Ingenico Connect based Shopping Cart Extension for Magento 2.x
- 10
- 6
Partial Refund not available
#31 opened by sergiuec - 2
Request fix for Magento 2.4.4 Module
#26 opened by dravasp - 5
Error: "Could not establish connection to Worldline Connect platform" in production mode - PHP 8.1
#29 opened by sergiuec - 10
Invalid template file: '/var/www/html/vendor/composer/../ingenico-epayments Magento 2.4.5-p2
#28 opened by sergiuec - 2
- 5
Error field Size Addressess
#25 opened by mesguerrae - 2
Error in redirection to show payment methods
#23 opened by mesguerrae - 1
- 3
- 1
Missing transaction in magento
#20 opened by sergiuec - 8
Refund Issue with Ingenico-ePayments module
#19 opened by marioestep - 5
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Ingenico\Connect\Model\Ingenico\Status\Payment\Resolver...
#18 opened by sergiuec - 1
Invoice error if order is paid on second attempt
#24 opened by sergiuec - 14
GraphQL support
#12 opened by kevva - 10
2.4.1 release
#16 opened by miki-v - 4
- 1
- 2
Magento 2.4 Support?
#15 opened by boehsermoe - 3
Missing creditmemo ends with 500 error
#10 opened by Jitheesh - 13
- 18
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getAdditionalInformation() on null in ..../vendor/ingenico-epayments/connect-extension-magento2/Controller/HostedCheckoutPage/Index.php:46
#4 opened by Jitheesh - 5
Quote billing and shipping address are not pre-populating after returning from hosted checkout page
#11 opened by Jitheesh - 4
Failed/Cancelled Credit Card payment still triggers order confirmation and invoice
#13 opened by jochenrosen - 11
Online refund not avialble
#9 opened by Jitheesh - 5
China locale issue
#8 opened by ivanigitalboutique - 18
Intermittently being returned to basket when pressing proceed to payment with error message
#5 opened by Garylanda - 1
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