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Cloint India Pvt. Ltd - Python functions for Automation (RPA)
What is ClointFusion ?
ClointFusion is a company registered at Vadodara, Gujarat, India. ClointFusion is our home-grown Python based RPA platform for Software BOT development. We are working towards Common Man's RPA using AI.
Blockly based BOT Builder
Build BOT using DOST:Test Drive ClointFusion on Google Colabs:
Click here for Release Notes
Installation on your local computer
ClointFusion is now supported in Windows / Ubuntu / macOS !
Please install Python 3.9.7 with 64 bit: Python 3.9.7 64 Bit. Windows users may refer to these steps | Install ClointFusion in Windows Operating System
It is recommended to run ClointFusion in a Virtual Environment. Please refer these steps to create one, as per your OS: Creating a virtual environment in Windows / Mac / Ubuntu
Install ClointFusion by executing this package in command promt (with Admin rights):
pip install -U ClointFusion
- Open a new file in your favorite Python IDE and type:
import ClointFusion as cf
PS: Ubuntu
users may need to install some additional packages:
sudo apt-get install python3-tk python3-dev
ClointFusion First Run Setup:
When importing ClointFusion for the first time, you'd likely to be prompted with ClointFusion Automated Selftest
, a tool designes and developed to check the compatibility of ClointFusion with your PC settings & configurations. On a successful event, you'll recieve an email with self-test report.
Now access more than 100 functions (hit ctrl+space in your IDE)
You can find and inspect all of ClointFusion's functions using only one function i.e., find()
. Just pass the partial name of the function.
6 gui functions, to take any input from user:
Function | Description |
cf.gui_get_any_input_from_user() | Generic function to accept any input (text / numeric) from user using GUI. Returns the value in string format. |
cf.gui_get_any_file_from_user() | Generic function to accept file path from user using GUI. Returns the filepath value in string format.Default allows all files. |
cf.gui_get_consent_from_user() | Generic function to get consent from user using GUI. Returns the string 'yes' or 'no' |
cf.gui_get_dropdownlist_values_from_user() | Generic function to accept one of the drop-down value from user using GUI. Returns all chosen values in list format. |
cf.gui_get_excel_sheet_header_from_user() | Generic function to accept excel path, sheet name and header from user using GUI. Returns all these values in disctionary format. |
cf.gui_get_folder_path_from_user() | Generic function to accept folder path from user using GUI. Returns the folderpath value in string format. |
4 functions on Mouse Operations:
Function | Description |
cf.mouse_click() | Clicks at the given X Y Co-ordinates on the screen using ingle / double / tripple click(s). Optionally copies selected data to clipboard (works for double / triple clicks) |
cf.mouse_move() | Moves the cursor to the given X Y Co-ordinates |
cf.mouse_drag_from_to() | Clicks and drags from X1 Y1 co-ordinates to X2 Y2 Co-ordinates on the screen |
cf.mouse_search_snip_return_coordinates_x_y() | Searches the given image on the screen and returns its center of X Y co-ordinates. |
6 functions on Window Operations (works only in Windows OS):
Function | Description |
cf.window_show_desktop() | Minimizes all the applications and shows Desktop. |
cf.window_get_all_opened_titles_windows() | Gives the title of all the existing (open) windows. |
cf.window_activate_and_maximize_windows() | Activates and maximizes the desired window. |
cf.window_minimize_windows() | Activates and minimizes the desired window. |
cf.window_close_windows() | Close the desired window. |
cf.launch_any_exe_bat_application() | Launches any exe or batch file or excel file etc. |
5 functions on Window Objects (works only in Windows OS):
Function | Description |
cf.win_obj_open_app() | Open any windows application. |
cf.win_obj_get_all_objects() | Print or Save all the windows object elements of an application. |
cf.win_obj_mouse_click() | Simulate high level mouse clicks on windows object elements. |
cf.win_obj_key_press() | Simulate high level Keypress on windows object elements. |
cf.win_obj_get_text() | Read text from windows object element. |
8 functions on Folder Operations:
Function | Description |
cf.folder_read_text_file() | Reads from a given text file and returns entire contents as a single list |
cf.folder_write_text_file() | Writes given contents to a text file |
cf.folder_create() | When you are making leaf directory, if any intermediate-level directory is missing, folder_create() method creates them. |
cf.folder_create_text_file() | Creates text file in the given path. |
cf.folder_get_all_filenames_as_list() | Get all the files of the given folder in a list. |
cf.folder_delete_all_files() | Deletes all the files of the given folder |
cf.file_rename() | Renames the given file name to new file name with same extension. |
cf.file_get_json_details() | Returns all the details of the given section in a dictionary |
28 functions on Excel Operations:
Function | Description |
cf.excel_get_all_sheet_names() | Gives you all names of the sheets in the given excel sheet. |
cf.excel_create_excel_file_in_given_folder() | Creates an excel file in the desired folder with desired filename |
cf.excel_if_value_exists() | Check if a given value exists in given excel. Returns True / False |
cf.excel_create_file() | Create a Excel file in fullPathToTheFile with filename. |
cf.excel_copy_paste_range_from_to_sheet() | Pastes the copied data in specific range of the given excel sheet. |
cf.excel_get_row_column_count() | Gets the row and coloumn count of the provided excel sheet. |
cf.excel_copy_range_from_sheet() | Copies the specific range from the provided excel sheet and returns copied data as a list |
cf.excel_split_by_column() | Splits the excel file by Column Name |
cf.excel_split_the_file_on_row_count() | Splits the excel file as per given row limit |
cf.excel_merge_all_files() | Merges all the excel files in the given folder |
cf.excel_drop_columns() | Drops the desired column from the given excel file |
cf.excel_sort_columns() | A function which takes excel full path to excel and column names on which sort is to be performed |
cf.excel_clear_sheet() | Clears the contents of given excel files keeping header row intact |
cf.excel_set_single_cell() | Writes the given text to the desired column/cell number for the given excel file |
cf.excel_get_single_cell() | Gets the text from the desired column/cell number of the given excel file |
cf.excel_remove_duplicates() | Drops the duplicates from the desired Column of the given excel file |
cf.excel_vlook_up() | Performs excel_vlook_up on the given excel files for the desired columns. Possible values for how are "inner","left", "right", "outer" |
cf.excel_describe_data() | Describe statistical data for the given excel |
cf.excel_change_corrupt_xls_to_xlsx() | Repair corrupt excel file |
cf.excel_get_all_header_columns() | Gives you all column header names of the given excel sheet |
cf.excel_convert_to_image() | Returns an Image (PNG) of given Excel |
cf.excel_split_on_user_defined_conditions() | Splits the excel based on user defined row/column conditions |
cf.excel_apply_format_as_table() | Applies table format to the used range of the given excel |
cf.excel_convert_xls_to_xlsx() | Converts given XLS file to XLSX |
cf.isNaN() | Returns TRUE if a given value is NaN False otherwise |
cf.convert_csv_to_excel() | Function to convert CSV to Excel |
cf.excel_sub_routines() | Excel VBA Macros called from ClointFusion |
cf.excel_to_colored_html() | Converts given Excel to HTML preserving the Excel format and saves in same folder as .html |
3 functions on Keyboard Operations:
Function | Description |
cf.key_hit_enter() | Enter key will be pressed once. |
cf.key_press() | Emulates the given keystrokes. |
cf.key_write_enter() | Writes/Types the given text and press enter (by default) or tab key. |
5 functions on Screenscraping Operations:
Function | Description |
cf.scrape_save_contents_to_notepad() | Copy pastes all the available text on the screen to notepad and saves it. |
cf.scrape_get_contents_by_search_copy_paste() | Gets the focus on the screen by searching given text using crtl+f and performs copy/paste of all data. Useful in Citrix applications. This is useful in Citrix applications |
cf.screen_clear_search() | Clears previously found text (crtl+f highlight) |
cf.search_highlight_tab_enter_open() | Searches for a text on screen using crtl+f and hits enter. This function is useful in Citrix environment. |
cf.find_text_on_screen() | Clears previous search and finds the provided text on screen. |
11 functions on Browser Operations:
Function | Description |
cf.browser_activate() | Function to launch browser and start the session. |
cf.browser_navigate_h() | Navigates to Specified URL. |
cf.browser_write_h() | Write a string on the given element. |
cf.browser_mouse_click_h() | Click on the given element. |
cf.browser_locate_element_h() | Find the element by Xpath, id or css selection. |
cf.browser_wait_until_h() | Wait until a specific element is found. |
cf.browser_refresh_page_h() | Refresh the page. |
cf.browser_quit_h() | Close the Helium browser. |
cf.browser_hit_enter_h() | Hits enter KEY using Browser Helium Functions |
cf.browser_key_press_h() | Type text using Browser Helium Functions and press hot keys |
cf.browser_mouse_hover_h() | Performs a Mouse Hover over the Given User Visible Text Element |
4 functions on Alert Messages:
Function | Description |
cf.message_counter_down_timer() | Function to show count-down timer. Default is 5 seconds. |
cf.message_pop_up() | Specified message will popup on the screen for a specified duration of time. |
cf.message_flash() | Specified msg will popup for a specified duration of time with OK button. |
cf.message_toast() | Function for displaying Windows 10 Toast Notifications. Pass website URL OR file / folder path that needs to be opened when user clicks on the toast notification. |
3 functions on String Operations:
Function | Description |
cf.string_remove_special_characters() | Removes all the special character. |
cf.string_extract_only_alphabets() | Returns only alphabets from given input string |
cf.string_extract_only_numbers() | Returns only numbers from given input string |
Loads of miscellaneous functions related to emoji, capture photo, flash (pop-up) messages etc:
Function | Description |
cf.clear_screen() | Clears Python Interpreter Terminal Window Screen |
cf.print_with_magic_color() | Function to color and format terminal output |
cf.schedule_create_task_windows() | Schedules (weekly & daily options as of now) the current BOT (.bat) using Windows Task Scheduler. Please call create_batch_file() function before using this function to convert .pyw file to .bat |
cf.schedule_delete_task_windows() | Deletes already scheduled task. Asks user to supply task_name used during scheduling the task. You can also perform this action from Windows Task Scheduler. |
cf.show_emoji() | Function which prints Emojis |
cf.dismantle_code() | This functions dis-assembles given function and shows you column-by-column summary to explain the output of disassembled bytecode. |
cf.ON_semi_automatic_mode() | This function sets semi_automatic_mode as True => ON |
cf.OFF_semi_automatic_mode() | This function sets semi_automatic_mode as False => OFF |
cf.email_send_via_desktop_outlook() | Send email using Outlook from Desktop email application |
cf.download_this_file() | Downloads a given url file to BOT output folder or Browser's Download folder |
cf.pause_program() | Stops the program for given seconds |
cf.string_regex() | Regex API service call, to search within a given string data |
cf.ocr_now() | Recognize and read the text embedded in images using Google's Tesseract-OCR |
cf.update_log_excel_file() | Given message will be updated in the excel log file of output folder |
cf.create_batch_file() | Creates .bat file for the given application / exe or even .pyw BOT developed by you. This is required in Task Scheduler. |
ClointFusion's Semi Automatic Mode
If you pass all the required parameters, function works silently. So, this is expert (Non-GUI) mode. This mode gives you more control over the function's parameters.
If you do not pass any parameter, GUI would pop-up asking you the required parameters. Next time, when you run the BOT, based upon your configuration, which you get to choose at the beginning of BOT run:
- If
Semi-Automatic mode
is OFF, GUI would pop-up again, showing you the previous entries, allowing you to modify the parameters. - If
Semi-Automatic mode
in ON, BOT works silently taking your previous GUI entries. - Toggle
Semi-Automatic mode
by using the following command
cf.ON_semi_automatic_mode # To turn ON semi automatic mode cf.OFF_semi_automatic_mode # To turn OFF semi automatic mode
- If
GUI Mode is for beginners. Anytime, if you are not getting how to use the function, just call an empty function (without parameters) and GUI would pop-up asking you for required parameters.
Outlook Email BOT implemented using ClointFusion
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Participate in our monthly online hackathons & weekly meetups. Click here for more details: https://sites.google.com/view/clointfusion-hackathon
Please visit our GitHub repository: https://github.com/ClointFusion/ClointFusion
Date ❤️ with ClointFusion
This an initiative for fast track entry into our growing workforce. For more details, please visit: https://lnkd.in/gh_r9YB
ClointFusion thanks to all it's dependent packages for the great contribution, which made ClointFusion possible!
Please find all the dependencies here
ReadMe File Maintainer:
Fharook Shaik, Intern@ClointFusion. Please connect with him at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fharook-shaik-7a757b181
Do you need help in building BOTs ? Contact us:
Drop a mail to ClointFusion@cloint.com