
Cloint India Pvt. Ltd's (ClointFusion) Pythonic RPA (Automation) Platform

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Cloint India Pvt. Ltd - Python functions for Automation (RPA)

What is ClointFusion ?

ClointFusion is a company registered at Vadodara, Gujarat, India. ClointFusion is our home-grown Python based RPA platform for Software BOT development. We are working towards Common Man's RPA using AI.

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Build BOT using DOST: Blockly based BOT Builder

Test Drive ClointFusion on Google Colabs: Open In Colab\

Click here for Release Notes

Installation on your local computer

ClointFusion is now supported in Windows / Ubuntu / macOS !

  1. Please install Python 3.9.7 with 64 bit: Python 3.9.7 64 Bit. Windows users may refer to these steps | Install ClointFusion in Windows Operating System

  2. It is recommended to run ClointFusion in a Virtual Environment. Please refer these steps to create one, as per your OS: Creating a virtual environment in Windows / Mac / Ubuntu

  3. Install ClointFusion by executing this package in command promt (with Admin rights):

pip install -U ClointFusion
  1. Open a new file in your favorite Python IDE and type:
import ClointFusion as cf

PS: Ubuntu users may need to install some additional packages:

sudo apt-get install python3-tk python3-dev

ClointFusion First Run Setup:

When importing ClointFusion for the first time, you'd likely to be prompted with ClointFusion Automated Selftest, a tool designes and developed to check the compatibility of ClointFusion with your PC settings & configurations. On a successful event, you'll recieve an email with self-test report.

Now access more than 100 functions (hit ctrl+space in your IDE)

You can find and inspect all of ClointFusion's functions using only one function i.e., find(). Just pass the partial name of the function.

  • 6 gui functions, to take any input from user:

Function Description
cf.gui_get_any_input_from_user() Generic function to accept any input (text / numeric) from user using GUI. Returns the value in string format.
cf.gui_get_any_file_from_user() Generic function to accept file path from user using GUI. Returns the filepath value in string format.Default allows all files.
cf.gui_get_consent_from_user() Generic function to get consent from user using GUI. Returns the string 'yes' or 'no'
cf.gui_get_dropdownlist_values_from_user() Generic function to accept one of the drop-down value from user using GUI. Returns all chosen values in list format.
cf.gui_get_excel_sheet_header_from_user() Generic function to accept excel path, sheet name and header from user using GUI. Returns all these values in disctionary format.
cf.gui_get_folder_path_from_user() Generic function to accept folder path from user using GUI. Returns the folderpath value in string format.

  • 4 functions on Mouse Operations:

Function Description
cf.mouse_click() Clicks at the given X Y Co-ordinates on the screen using ingle / double / tripple click(s). Optionally copies selected data to clipboard (works for double / triple clicks)
cf.mouse_move() Moves the cursor to the given X Y Co-ordinates
cf.mouse_drag_from_to() Clicks and drags from X1 Y1 co-ordinates to X2 Y2 Co-ordinates on the screen
cf.mouse_search_snip_return_coordinates_x_y() Searches the given image on the screen and returns its center of X Y co-ordinates.

  • 6 functions on Window Operations (works only in Windows OS):

Function Description
cf.window_show_desktop() Minimizes all the applications and shows Desktop.
cf.window_get_all_opened_titles_windows() Gives the title of all the existing (open) windows.
cf.window_activate_and_maximize_windows() Activates and maximizes the desired window.
cf.window_minimize_windows() Activates and minimizes the desired window.
cf.window_close_windows() Close the desired window.
cf.launch_any_exe_bat_application() Launches any exe or batch file or excel file etc.

  • 5 functions on Window Objects (works only in Windows OS):

Function Description
cf.win_obj_open_app() Open any windows application.
cf.win_obj_get_all_objects() Print or Save all the windows object elements of an application.
cf.win_obj_mouse_click() Simulate high level mouse clicks on windows object elements.
cf.win_obj_key_press() Simulate high level Keypress on windows object elements.
cf.win_obj_get_text() Read text from windows object element.

  • 8 functions on Folder Operations:

Function Description
cf.folder_read_text_file() Reads from a given text file and returns entire contents as a single list
cf.folder_write_text_file() Writes given contents to a text file
cf.folder_create() When you are making leaf directory, if any intermediate-level directory is missing, folder_create() method creates them.
cf.folder_create_text_file() Creates text file in the given path.
cf.folder_get_all_filenames_as_list() Get all the files of the given folder in a list.
cf.folder_delete_all_files() Deletes all the files of the given folder
cf.file_rename() Renames the given file name to new file name with same extension.
cf.file_get_json_details() Returns all the details of the given section in a dictionary

  • 28 functions on Excel Operations:

Function Description
cf.excel_get_all_sheet_names() Gives you all names of the sheets in the given excel sheet.
cf.excel_create_excel_file_in_given_folder() Creates an excel file in the desired folder with desired filename
cf.excel_if_value_exists() Check if a given value exists in given excel. Returns True / False
cf.excel_create_file() Create a Excel file in fullPathToTheFile with filename.
cf.excel_copy_paste_range_from_to_sheet() Pastes the copied data in specific range of the given excel sheet.
cf.excel_get_row_column_count() Gets the row and coloumn count of the provided excel sheet.
cf.excel_copy_range_from_sheet() Copies the specific range from the provided excel sheet and returns copied data as a list
cf.excel_split_by_column() Splits the excel file by Column Name
cf.excel_split_the_file_on_row_count() Splits the excel file as per given row limit
cf.excel_merge_all_files() Merges all the excel files in the given folder
cf.excel_drop_columns() Drops the desired column from the given excel file
cf.excel_sort_columns() A function which takes excel full path to excel and column names on which sort is to be performed
cf.excel_clear_sheet() Clears the contents of given excel files keeping header row intact
cf.excel_set_single_cell() Writes the given text to the desired column/cell number for the given excel file
cf.excel_get_single_cell() Gets the text from the desired column/cell number of the given excel file
cf.excel_remove_duplicates() Drops the duplicates from the desired Column of the given excel file
cf.excel_vlook_up() Performs excel_vlook_up on the given excel files for the desired columns. Possible values for how are "inner","left", "right", "outer"
cf.excel_describe_data() Describe statistical data for the given excel
cf.excel_change_corrupt_xls_to_xlsx() Repair corrupt excel file
cf.excel_get_all_header_columns() Gives you all column header names of the given excel sheet
cf.excel_convert_to_image() Returns an Image (PNG) of given Excel
cf.excel_split_on_user_defined_conditions() Splits the excel based on user defined row/column conditions
cf.excel_apply_format_as_table() Applies table format to the used range of the given excel
cf.excel_convert_xls_to_xlsx() Converts given XLS file to XLSX
cf.isNaN() Returns TRUE if a given value is NaN False otherwise
cf.convert_csv_to_excel() Function to convert CSV to Excel
cf.excel_sub_routines() Excel VBA Macros called from ClointFusion
cf.excel_to_colored_html() Converts given Excel to HTML preserving the Excel format and saves in same folder as .html

  • 3 functions on Keyboard Operations:

Function Description
cf.key_hit_enter() Enter key will be pressed once.
cf.key_press() Emulates the given keystrokes.
cf.key_write_enter() Writes/Types the given text and press enter (by default) or tab key.

  • 5 functions on Screenscraping Operations:

Function Description
cf.scrape_save_contents_to_notepad() Copy pastes all the available text on the screen to notepad and saves it.
cf.scrape_get_contents_by_search_copy_paste() Gets the focus on the screen by searching given text using crtl+f and performs copy/paste of all data. Useful in Citrix applications. This is useful in Citrix applications
cf.screen_clear_search() Clears previously found text (crtl+f highlight)
cf.search_highlight_tab_enter_open() Searches for a text on screen using crtl+f and hits enter. This function is useful in Citrix environment.
cf.find_text_on_screen() Clears previous search and finds the provided text on screen.

  • 11 functions on Browser Operations:

Function Description
cf.browser_activate() Function to launch browser and start the session.
cf.browser_navigate_h() Navigates to Specified URL.
cf.browser_write_h() Write a string on the given element.
cf.browser_mouse_click_h() Click on the given element.
cf.browser_locate_element_h() Find the element by Xpath, id or css selection.
cf.browser_wait_until_h() Wait until a specific element is found.
cf.browser_refresh_page_h() Refresh the page.
cf.browser_quit_h() Close the Helium browser.
cf.browser_hit_enter_h() Hits enter KEY using Browser Helium Functions
cf.browser_key_press_h() Type text using Browser Helium Functions and press hot keys
cf.browser_mouse_hover_h() Performs a Mouse Hover over the Given User Visible Text Element

  • 4 functions on Alert Messages:

Function Description
cf.message_counter_down_timer() Function to show count-down timer. Default is 5 seconds.
cf.message_pop_up() Specified message will popup on the screen for a specified duration of time.
cf.message_flash() Specified msg will popup for a specified duration of time with OK button.
cf.message_toast() Function for displaying Windows 10 Toast Notifications. Pass website URL OR file / folder path that needs to be opened when user clicks on the toast notification.

  • 3 functions on String Operations:

Function Description
cf.string_remove_special_characters() Removes all the special character.
cf.string_extract_only_alphabets() Returns only alphabets from given input string
cf.string_extract_only_numbers() Returns only numbers from given input string

  • Loads of miscellaneous functions related to emoji, capture photo, flash (pop-up) messages etc:

Function Description
cf.clear_screen() Clears Python Interpreter Terminal Window Screen
cf.print_with_magic_color() Function to color and format terminal output
cf.schedule_create_task_windows() Schedules (weekly & daily options as of now) the current BOT (.bat) using Windows Task Scheduler. Please call create_batch_file() function before using this function to convert .pyw file to .bat
cf.schedule_delete_task_windows() Deletes already scheduled task. Asks user to supply task_name used during scheduling the task. You can also perform this action from Windows Task Scheduler.
cf.show_emoji() Function which prints Emojis
cf.dismantle_code() This functions dis-assembles given function and shows you column-by-column summary to explain the output of disassembled bytecode.
cf.ON_semi_automatic_mode() This function sets semi_automatic_mode as True => ON
cf.OFF_semi_automatic_mode() This function sets semi_automatic_mode as False => OFF
cf.email_send_via_desktop_outlook() Send email using Outlook from Desktop email application
cf.download_this_file() Downloads a given url file to BOT output folder or Browser's Download folder
cf.pause_program() Stops the program for given seconds
cf.string_regex() Regex API service call, to search within a given string data
cf.ocr_now() Recognize and read the text embedded in images using Google's Tesseract-OCR
cf.update_log_excel_file() Given message will be updated in the excel log file of output folder
cf.create_batch_file() Creates .bat file for the given application / exe or even .pyw BOT developed by you. This is required in Task Scheduler.

ClointFusion's Semi Automatic Mode

  1. If you pass all the required parameters, function works silently. So, this is expert (Non-GUI) mode. This mode gives you more control over the function's parameters.

  2. If you do not pass any parameter, GUI would pop-up asking you the required parameters. Next time, when you run the BOT, based upon your configuration, which you get to choose at the beginning of BOT run:

    • If Semi-Automatic mode is OFF, GUI would pop-up again, showing you the previous entries, allowing you to modify the parameters.
    • If Semi-Automatic mode in ON, BOT works silently taking your previous GUI entries.
    • Toggle Semi-Automatic mode by using the following command
    cf.ON_semi_automatic_mode   # To turn ON semi automatic mode
    cf.OFF_semi_automatic_mode  # To turn OFF semi automatic mode
  3. GUI Mode is for beginners. Anytime, if you are not getting how to use the function, just call an empty function (without parameters) and GUI would pop-up asking you for required parameters.

Outlook Email BOT implemented using ClointFusion

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Please visit our GitHub repository: https://github.com/ClointFusion/ClointFusion

Date ❤️ with ClointFusion

This an initiative for fast track entry into our growing workforce. For more details, please visit: https://lnkd.in/gh_r9YB


ClointFusion thanks to all it's dependent packages for the great contribution, which made ClointFusion possible!

Please find all the dependencies here

ReadMe File Maintainer:

Fharook Shaik, Intern@ClointFusion. Please connect with him at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fharook-shaik-7a757b181

Do you need help in building BOTs ? Contact us:

Drop a mail to ClointFusion@cloint.com