Multipurpose discord bot with various features. The bot is no longer hosted on any platform due to lack of extended free tier services from any platform (like heroku offered in the past). If you want to get it running, you can clone it and set up the env yourself, the collections used in the db are given below
Mongo DB Collection Schemas
The database bot_data contains the following collections:
- accounts
- scramble_stats
- words
- wpmstats
This collection contains the following fields:
- discord_id (_id)
- amount
_id: 740931255599759XXX,
amount: 44750
This collection contains the following fields:
- discord_id (_id)
- count
_id: 740931255599759XXX,
count: 38
Words is a static collection. It basically contains all the words used (randomly) for the wpmrace or scramble game. The words are stored in the following format:
- _id: (auto generated)
- word_list_id : 1
- words: [Array]
This collection contains the following fields:
- _id : (auto generated)
- discord_id
- guild_id
- word
- speed
id : ObjectId('6160375af4248ea46bc64a1a'),
discord_id : 29769302956376XXXX,
guild_id : 82713138544495XXXX,
word : "soccer",
speed : 1.3877119961885351
the .env contains two variables :
BOT_TOKEN = <your bot token>
CONNECTION_STRING = mongodb+srv://<uname>:<password>@<dbname>.si3ce.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority // the mongo db atlas connection url