
A Polymer element for google recaptcha V2 and invisible (Polymer 1.9 - 2.x)

Primary LanguageHTML

Published on webcomponents.org


A Polymer element for google recaptcha V2 and invisible.

  <template is="dom-bind">


  bower install -S Zecat/google-recaptcha


Shadow DOM work-around

By-design, the google recaptcha doesn't work inside shadow dom, so we detect when it has a ShadowRoot parent and if so, the recaptcha is placed in a container light DOM, which sync its size and screen position with its original <google-recaptcha> parent, and the container is moved into the body. The container is refit every time the user scroll or the <google-recaptcha> is notified of resize. This is an expensive task but the only solution so far.