_     _    ____                      _ _
 | |   / |  / ___|___  _ __ ___  _ __ (_) | ___ _ __
 | |   | | | |   / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | |/ _ \ '__|
 | |___| | | |__| (_) | | | | | | |_) | | |  __/ |
 |_____|_|  \____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|_|\___|_|

A barebones L1 compiler for 15-411 written in Rust.
Written by Alex Crichton, updated by Will Crichton.
Last modified September 6th, 2015.

Welcome to 15-411!

This is some starter code for the L1 compiler you have to build for
the Lab1.  It contains a lexer, parser, translator, and even a code
generator, except that the code generator creates pseudo assembly
language with fictitious instructions and an unlimited number of
registers.  We took some care to use good style (according to the
instructor); you may consider this a model for your own coding.  Feel
free to modify any and all of this code as you see fit.

Bug reports to the course staff are particularly welcome and will be
noted in the extra credit category.

Rust Notes

This code was written against Rust 1.2.0. The compiler itself is a
Cargo crate, and should be built as such with `cargo build` or it can
be run with `cargo run path/to/input.l1`. You can pass additional
flags with `cargo run path/to/input.l1 -- --your-flag`. To build with
optimizations, run `cargo build --release`.

Source Files

The crate is broken up into the following files/directories:
- src/main.rs   Toplevel runtime for the compiler
- src/parse/    AST and lexer/parser
- src/types     Typechecker
- src/ir/       IR language and translator
- src/codegen/  Assembly representation, code generation, register allocation
- src/util/     Various utilities used across parts of the code

Debugging Hints

Notes on using Rust for your compiler:

- There are no good graph libraries. This is a good resource for
  implementing graphs in rust:

- Don't use thread_local! any more than you must. Globals are bad, and
  only used in the parser due to the constraints of the parser

- Instead of manually adding a verbose flag or similar feature, you
  should consider using the log package: