
SDK to streamline payment initiation integrations with Node.js 🏦💸

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Iniciador Node SDK

Welcome to the Iniciador Node SDK! This tool is made for Node developers who want to easily integrate with our API.

If you have no idea what Iniciador is, check out our website

1. Description

The Iniciador SDK is a Node.js library that provides a convenient way to interact with the Iniciador API.

2. Installation

To install the Iniciador SDK, run the following command:

npm install @iniciador/iniciador-sdk

3. Usage

To use the Iniciador SDK, import the necessary modules and create an instance of the Iniciador class:

const { Iniciador } = require('@iniciador/iniciador-sdk')

const iniciador = new Iniciador({
  clientId: 'your-client-id',
  clientSecret: 'your-client-secret',
  environment: 'dev', // or 'sandbox' or 'staging'

3.1 Whitelabel

3.1.1 Authentication

To authenticate with the Iniciador Whitelabel, use the authInterface method:

const { accessToken, interfaceURL, paymentId } = await iniciador.authInterface()
  • Use interfaceURL to complete the payment flow
  • Use the accessToken and paymentId to verify the payment data

3.1.2 Payments

To use payments services with the Iniciador Whitelabel, use the payments method: get

to get the payment details use get method

const payment = await iniciador.payment({ accessToken }).get() status

to get the payment status details use status method

const paymentStatus = await iniciador.payment({ accessToken }).status()

3.2 API Only

3.2.1 Authentication

To authenticate with the Iniciador API, use the auth method:

const { accessToken } = await iniciador.auth()

3.2.2 Participants

To get participants with the Iniciador API, use the participants method:

const participants = await iniciador.participants({ accessToken })

3.2.3 Payments

To use payments services with the Iniciador API, use the payments method: save

to save the payment with the specified details use save method

const savePayment = iniciador.save({
  externalId: 'externalId',
  participantId: 'c8f0bf49-4744-4933-8960-7add6e590841',
  redirectURL: 'https://app.sandbox.inic.dev/pag-receipt',
  user: {
    name: 'John Doe',
    taxId: 'taxId',
  amount: 133300,
  method: 'PIX_MANU_AUTO',
}) send

to send the payment use send method

const paymentInitiation = await iniciador.payment({ accessToken }).send() get

to get the payment details use get method

const payment = await iniciador.payment({ accessToken }).get() status

to get the payment status details use status method

const paymentStatus = await iniciador.payment({ accessToken }).status()

Help and Feedback

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding our SDK, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated support team is here to help you integrate with us as quickly as possible. We strive to provide prompt responses and excellent support.

We also highly appreciate any feedback you may have. Your thoughts and suggestions are valuable to us as we continuously improve our SDK and services. We welcome your input and encourage you to share your thoughts with us.

Feel free to contact us by sending an email to suporte@iniciador.com.br. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your integration.