
An bot that tries to entertain people as much as Possible.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dodo bot v2

An bot that tries to entertain people as much as Possible.

It's no longer multi-purpose?

Yes, but there is a reason for that. When I first started Dodo-Bot Project, I thought everything was easy, but I was wrong. Maintaining Dodo-Bot v1 was absolutely painful, since you have to fix the apis not working in the commands most of the time which can be truly annoying, if there is only one person working on a huge bot project.

As time went on, I began to lose my interest at maintaining the bot, since I was busy with school and such. Eventually, I discontinued v1, meaning that it won't be updated anymore. However, as days went on, I began to think on changing the purpose of the bot to be much easier for my development, And so this is how v2 was officially brought back to life, started from scratch and no longer being multi-purpose but at least, a fun bot.

The story

v2 was supposed to be discord.js-based bot, but due to some issues, it has been made to use aoi.js v6. Even though, almost every release of dodo bot were bugged having a lot of bugs (including early releases of v1 tbh). This release aims to make everything as much as simple as it was before.

This bot (with v2 update) is likely made for you to learn as well as enjoy it, it's probably the first aoi.js v6 bot to be open sourced here. Note that this project was somehow a bit experimental considering that v2 has been started from scratch but hey, at least. You get to try the new cool stuff out there!


  • V1: the discontinued version of Dodo-Bot. It had a bad start with bunch of bugs due to me being newbie in aoi.js at the time
  • V2 (main): the current version of the bot, maintained with lot of bug fixes and uses a lot of discord events than v1
  • V3: experimental version made to try discord.js. Dodo-Bot was supposed to switch to djs but got cancelled. Currently on pause

Important Requirements

You can host the bot on any Host as long as you meet the following Requirements:

  • Have node.js version 17 installed or higher (we recommend node.js version 18, latest node.js is fine but untested)
  • Have an host ready to handle Bot's Features (Obviously)


You can use node.js v16 on the Bot but it will not work properly for Packages, And so, It can result in errors that comes from node.js versions being lower.


Most of code belongs to me. You can also credit me using my discord username: "dodogames", in case using my code for development purposes. You really agree to not to claim that you made it otherwise i may ask you to credit. Anything involves in violating credits (including making any bot public using this code) is not allowed.