- 0
Supporting newer versions of spark
#94 opened by sylph001 - 3
Using Simba SQL expressions on Spark 2.1
#92 opened by gillesgerlo - 10
polygon and point join [new feature]
#75 opened by merlintang - 1
- 7
Plan on adaption to Spark 2.x
#82 opened by dongx-psu - 1
standalone 1.6 knn join
#90 opened by petrospgithub - 1
Simba with Thrift Server
#89 opened by kgiann78 - 10
getting started with Simba
#84 opened by geoHeil - 9
convert regular DF to simba supported geometries
#87 opened by geoHeil - 5
simba perform join
#88 opened by geoHeil - 1
Handling wkt multi polygons
#85 opened by geoHeil - 1
More Datasource for Different Data Format
#80 opened by dongx-psu - 16
Experiencing slow spatial joins
#83 opened by micvbang - 10
Roadmap to spark 2.1 or 2.x [upgrade]
#79 opened by merlintang - 2
Measuring distance for OSM dataset, paper
#77 opened by micvbang - 3
- 4
- 4
create index over a queried table
#73 opened by merlintang - 4
DISTANCE JOIN does not work...
#71 opened by aocalderon - 2
- 6
- 1
- 3
- 2
running example
#63 opened by merlintang - 1
IndexedRelationScan: BUG in Projection
#59 opened by dongx-psu - 1
BUG in QuadTree TestSuite
#60 opened by dongx-psu - 1
DataSource for different spatial format in Simba
#14 opened by gfl94 - 1
Add unit tests for index structure
#43 opened by baizh1994 - 4
QuadTree index support
#29 opened by gfl94 - 1
Bug on query bound
#50 opened by gfl94 - 1
Rewrite parser for point type
#31 opened by ChenZhongPu - 1
Rewrite IndexedRelationScan
#28 opened by dongx-psu - 2
Bug In IndexedRelationScan
#40 opened by gfl94 - 1
Bugs in Treap
#44 opened by baizh1994 - 1
Columnar storage for index structure
#15 opened by gfl94 - 3
- 5
Add unit tests for catalyst/spatial
#32 opened by baizh1994 - 3
Bugs in range method in RTree
#27 opened by ChenZhongPu - 1
BUG FIX in geometric object support
#38 opened by dongx-psu - 1
BUG on IndexRelationedScan
#33 opened by dongx-psu - 1
Implement a KD-Tree based Partitioner
#21 opened by dongx-psu - 1
Implement a Quad-Tree based Partitioner
#22 opened by dongx-psu - 2
sqlContext is null in IndexedRelationScan
#25 opened by ChenZhongPu - 1
Add Treap support as one-dimensional index
#20 opened by dongx-psu - 0
- 2
- 2
KNN in RTree does not deal with the case when child of RTreeNode is RTreeLeafEntry
#12 opened by ChenZhongPu - 1
Size tag implementation for R-Tree
#18 opened by dongx-psu - 2
CircleRange code generator error
#13 opened by gfl94 - 1
Add support to line segments
#9 opened by dongx-psu