
The Ink mobile framework for iOS. Connect your app with others to enable new workflows and capabilities for your users.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Ink iOS Framework

The Ink mobile framework for iOS. Connect your app with others to enable new workflows and capabilities for your users.

Visit http://inkmobility.com/developers/ios/docs for instructions on getting started

To install the docset file into Xcode, run ./install_docs.sh. Note that you'll have restart Xcode for the documentation to show up.


  • v4.4 (9/3/2013):
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Apps must link against zlib. Add "-lz" to "Other linker flags" in your build settings
  • Implemented "magic install flow" (actions continue when app is newly installed)
  • NOTE: Your app must be ready to handle actions by the time didFinishLaunchingWithOptions has finished running.
  • "Discard your changes" only appears when changes have been made
  • Stability improvements to the underlying communication protocol
  • Fixed bug where loading spinner didn't appear for PDFs
  • v4.3 (8/27/2013):
  • Better warning for nil blobs and returnWithBlob: nil
  • INKActions are now keyed off of UUIDs.
    • This deprecates [INKAction action:name...] in favor of [INKAction actionWithUUID:...]. All existing actions have UUIDs matching their user displayed text so existing code, although deprecated, will continue to work.
    • This now means that the user-visible text can be changed without breaking the actions! :-)
  • Loading spinner is displayed if loading the dynamic blob is taking a while and the action buttons were debounced
  • Fixed issues where the Ink view would not show if it was being launched during another animation or directly following an alert view
  • Database is cached with the distribution so actions will show even if there isn't any internet
  • v0.4.2: Defensive bug for if a developer uses a semaphore in a dynamic blob block in a particular way. 8/25/2013
  • v0.4.1: Bug fix for sqllite write error. Reduce excessive logging. 8/21/2013
  • v0.4.0: Initial release. 8/13/13