
A Chinese Word Processor for the Commander X16

Living Type for the Commander X16

A Chinese Word Processor for the Commander X16 that supports 10,000 Chinese characters.

The program itself is called "HUOZI.PRG" and the resources should be kept in a folder called "huozi" on the SD card or file system.

Huozi is the romanization of 活字, the name given by Bisheng to his 11th century invention of moveable type.

IMPORTANT: The huozi folder and should be kept in the same folder where the Commander X16 emulator is located in order to run properly.


From the home screen of the Commander X16 load the program with


Followed by


Once the program is loaded press any key to get past the title screen.


To toggle Chinese input press: SHIFT + SPACE

To toggle Command Mode press: CTRL + C

There are 4 commands the program can preform:

1. save

save [filename]

Which saves a binary text file to the huozi folder and [filename] represents your given name to the file

2. load

load [filename]

Which loads a binary text file from the huozi folder and [filename] represents the given name of the file

3. new


Which creates a new document for the user (erasing all current data held in memory)

4. color

color [0-9]

Which sets the text color to one of the ten selected colors


In Command Mode try out

load data

To see a text file containing 4800 Chinese Characters

load david

To see some PETSCII art