Personal Emacs Dotfiles
- Pandoc-mode
Adds quick keybindings for document generating and converting. Most used functionality: converting markdown files to latex-rendered pdfs. - Projectile
Add commands to search through any file or directory in a git repo, also simplifies generating tags for editing. - Counsel-Projectile
Integrate projectile with Ivy completion backend - Dashboard
Replace the weird emacs dashboard on startup with something simpler. - Python
Syntax highlighting and assorted other tools for editing python code. - ibuffer
Look at your buffers, in a cleaner and quicker way. - Platformio-mode
Integrate tools for embedded development into emacs. Commands for compiling, uploading, and buildings embedded packages. - Arduino-mode
Recognize arduino files. - Dimmer Dim the unfocused window if there are multiple windows open.
- Lsp-mode
front-end for language server protocol servers. Let's you have fancy vscode-style autocompletion with a variety of backends. - Lsp-ui
Additional addins for lsp-mode. - Ccls
The c/c++ server for lsp. Needs some emacs-side configuration, so here it is. - Vue-mode
Highlighting of multiple syntaxes in vue-files. - Swift-mode
Highlighting for Apple's swift language. - Company-lsp
Company is a completion tool (the little drop down box that gives you suggestions), this package connects lsp-mode and company. (complete-any). - Company
Company (complete any) is a nice suggestion framework. I like it much better than all the alternatives I've found. - Company-statistics
Remember which suggestions I actually use, and put those on top of the list of suggestions. - Company-math
autocomplete latex math symbols. - Yasnippet
A bunch of snippets, and a way to make them! - Yasnippet-snippets
A bunch more snippets!