This repo contains the server backend for hotpot collector interfaces and scripts to wrangle data.


Python environment

For your convinience, simply create a conda environment with provided environment.yml.

conda env create -f environment.yml

You can also manually install the following dependencies:

  • python 3.8
  • flask 1.1.2
  • flask-cors 3.0.8
  • nltk 3.5
  • numpy 1.19.1

You also need to download the stopwords corpus for nltk.

import nltk'stopwords')

HotpotQA Training Data

Run bash to download the HotpotQA training data. The script will create a folder named data and put the training data into the folder.


Download the pre-trained glove embeddings from, you'll need an account for kaggle (should be free to register).

Extract and put the glove.840B.300d.pkl file into data folder.

Prepare Data

Activate hotpot conda environment, and then run the following commands from the project root directory:

python -m wrangle.make_small
python -m wrangle.coref
python -m wrangle.flatten
python -m
python -m wrangle.idf

The first sciprt make_small will make a smaller dataset for local debugging. You can adjust the size of the smaller dataset by setting the HOTPOT_SMALL_SIZE value in wrangle/ Set the value to be empty to use the full dataset.

Ranking and Closest Fact Experiment

To reproduce the histograms, first run python -m from project root folder. It should create three json files inside plots/closest_fact folder. Then go to that folder and run bash This will create three js files for easy plotting. Make sure that the file names in are consistent with the json files.

Then, open index.html from a modern browser, you should see the histograms.