
Journal App is a journal application where the users can pen down their notes

Screenshot of the journal page without selected note

Click here to see the live demo

Tech Stack

  • Vite
  • React
  • Redux
  • TypeScript
  • Firebase
  • Material UI
  • Jest
  • Testing Library


Creating notes

One of the key features of journal-app is the ability for users to create notes with pictures associated with the notes.

Screenshot of the journal page with selected note

User authentication

I used the Аirebase to authenticate the user and implemented login and register with Google and user credentials (email, password)

Screenshot of login page Screenshot register page

Getting started

To get started using journal-app, you need to install:

  • Node.js
  • All the needed dependencies using yarn after cloning the repository

Running the application

To run the application, use the following command:

yarn dev


To run the tests, use the following command:

yarn test