
This is key mismatch attack demo for Kyber768 in NIST Round 3. First of all the program is going to be generating the pair of public and private keys after ciphering the message, the attack will try to figure the private key out using the public key in addition to the ciphered text with help of mathematical equations after specifying a kernal seed.


PQCgenKAT_kem.c: the entrance of attack,

kem.c: building the oracle

indcpa.c: choosing attack parameters

test.p6: test queries

time.p6: test time

Build and Run

To build it, you need to have openssl and make on linux or Mac os.


After making, then you can run

./PQCgenKAT_kem <num>

To build the key recovery attack

make recovery

After making, then you can run


<num> is a integer used as a random seed. For example, ./PQCgenKAT_kem 1

To run test, you need to install rakudo and run

raku test.p6

raku time.p6