Argumenty makes command line argument parsing in Node / Typescript easy.
import { Argumenty } from "argumenty";
const argumenty = new Argumenty({ short: "s", long: "stuff", type: "string" }); // Arguments can be added through the constructor
// They can also be added after the fact.
argumenty.add({ short: "t", long: "thing", type: "flag" });
// Then just parse
// And now we can get parsed things!
console.log(argumenty.get("stuff"), argumenty.get("thing"));
Transformers allow the changing of an argument's value.
If you wanted to get the contents of a file instead of storing a file name, you could do so like this:
import { Argumenty, ParsedArgument } from "argumenty";
const fs = require("fs");
function getFileContents(arg: ParsedArgument): any {
// Check if the file exists
if (!fs.existsSync(arg.value)) {
return null;
// Since it does, read the contents
return fs.readFileSync(arg.value).toString();
const argumenty = new Argumenty();
argumenty.add({ short: "f", long: "file", type: "string", transformer: getFileContents });
// This will have the contents of the file