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Innei 🧑🏻‍💻 wakatime

Innei is a two and a half year long practicing NodeJS full stack developer who is now a digital nomad.

In the developer field, he often actively participates in GitHub and aspires to become a freelancer.

On the technology stack, he has three years of NextJS experience and three years of NestJS experience. NextJS 9 -> 14, Page router -> App router. NestJS 7 -> 10, Typegoose/Prisma.

He has the following skills:

Web Developer

React next.js TypeScript Apollo GraphQL Sass Styled Components npm html5 Rollup Prettier TailwindCSS Vite 2 Vue 3

Backend Developer (maybe)

NestJS fastify NodeJS MongoDB Express

iOS Developer (prospective)

SwiftUI RN


git github actions Docker Ubuntu archlinux


macOS vscode nvim

Open Source...

🎁 Projects⭐ Stars📚 Forks🛎 Issues📬 Pull requests💡 Last Commit
Innei/ShiroStarsForksIssuesPull RequestsLast Commits
mx-space/coreStarsForksIssuesPull RequestsLast Commits
mx-space/mx-adminStarsForksIssuesPull RequestsLast Commits
Innei/book-ssg-templateStarsForksIssuesPull RequestsLast Commits


🎁 Projects⭐ Stars🕐 Create At📅 Last Active At
Innei/animate-uri 🔗Stars8/13/20204/25/2024

Recent Writing...

Recent Star...

  • 47ng/nuqs Type-safe search params state manager for Next.js - Like React.useState, but stored in the URL query string.
  • lobehub/lobe-chat 🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design LLMs/AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Bedrock / Azure / Mistral / Perplexity ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS) and plugin system. One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT chat application.
  • scalar/scalar Beautiful API references from OpenAPI/Swagger files ✨
  • wxt-dev/wxt ⚡ Next-gen Web Extension Framework
  • Doctor-wu/Tenon Tenon / 榫卯 🏗️施工中的低代码平台

Review Stared...

Can you find me?

Github Twitter Innei


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