- 0
Set up the license
#46 opened by fatm1nd - 0
#45 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Create a side bar with properties of event
#44 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Add Linter for Frontend
#42 opened by blinikar - 0
Implement tests [DJango]
#41 opened by blinikar - 0
Add tests for Frontend [JEST]
#40 opened by blinikar - 0
Implement models
#38 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Connect API. Courses page
#36 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Connect API. Editor page
#37 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Implement an Authorization page
#34 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Implement methods for Class and Schedule
#39 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Connect API to Frontend part. Authorization
#35 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Implement editing the existing courses. Button "Edit" and forms to fill new info about course
#25 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Implement removing courses
#26 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Implement "Adding new courses"
#27 opened by fatm1nd - 0
- 0
Make editor layout
#22 opened by Darverda - 0
Implement courses sorting
#24 opened by fatm1nd - 0
- 0
Implement issues for each API method
#33 opened by Darverda - 0
Create a "room" model
#31 opened by Darverda - 0
Create a "teacher" model
#30 opened by Darverda - 0
Create an "Activity" model
#28 opened by Darverda - 0
Implement API for each of three models
#29 opened by Darverda - 0
Implement CourseGroup template
#32 opened by Darverda - 0
Create UML diagram with objects
#3 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Create UML diagram with objects
#13 opened by Darverda - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Implement a system with templates
#18 opened by Darverda - 0
Implement a system for scheduling electives
#17 opened by Darverda - 0
Implement a system for viewing electives
#16 opened by Darverda - 0
Implement schedule system for teachers
#15 opened by Darverda - 0
- 0
Implement a backend part of the calendar
#11 opened by Darverda - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Implement a frontend part of the calendar
#8 opened by Darverda - 0
- 0
Implement a frontend part of the editor
#5 opened by fatm1nd - 0
Implement a backend part of the editor
#4 opened by fatm1nd - 0
- 0
Create a table with drag & drop system
#1 opened by fatm1nd