Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain
Check out the documentation here
Add Ethereumex to your mix.exs
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
[{:ethereumex, "~> 0.5.0"}]
- Ensure
is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:ethereumex]]
In config/config.exs
, add Ethereum protocol host params to your config file
config :ethereumex,
url: "http://localhost:8545"
You can also configure the HTTP
request timeout for requests sent to the Ethereum JSON-RPC
(you can also overwrite this configuration in opts
used when calling the client):
config :ethereumex,
http_options: [timeout: 8000, recv_timeout: 5000]
:timeout - timeout to establish a connection, in milliseconds. Default is 8000 :recv_timeout - timeout used when receiving a connection. Default is 5000
If you want to use IPC you will need to set a few things in your config.
First, specify the :client_type
config :ethereumex,
client_type: :ipc
This will resolve to :http
by default.
Second, specify the :ipc_path
config :ethereumex,
ipc_path: "/path/to/ipc"
The IPC client type mode opens a pool of connection workers (default is 5 and 2, respectively). You can configure the pool size.
config :ethereumex,
ipc_worker_size: 5,
ipc_max_worker_overflow: 2,
ipc_request_timeout: 60_000
Available methods:
- web3_clientVersion
- web3_sha3
- net_version
- net_peerCount
- net_listening
- eth_protocolVersion
- eth_syncing
- eth_coinbase
- eth_mining
- eth_hashrate
- eth_gasPrice
- eth_accounts
- eth_blockNumber
- eth_getBalance
- eth_getStorageAt
- eth_getTransactionCount
- eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash
- eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber
- eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash
- eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber
- eth_getCode
- eth_sign
- eth_sendTransaction
- eth_sendRawTransaction
- eth_call
- eth_estimateGas
- eth_getBlockByHash
- eth_getBlockByNumber
- eth_getTransactionByHash
- eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex
- eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex
- eth_getTransactionReceipt
- eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex
- eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex
- eth_getCompilers
- eth_compileLLL
- eth_compileSolidity
- eth_compileSerpent
- eth_newFilter
- eth_newBlockFilter
- eth_newPendingTransactionFilter
- eth_uninstallFilter
- eth_getFilterChanges
- eth_getFilterLogs
- eth_getLogs
- eth_getWork
- eth_submitWork
- eth_submitHashrate
- db_putString
- db_getString
- db_putHex
- db_getHex
- shh_post
- shh_version
- shh_newIdentity
- shh_hasIdentity
- shh_newGroup
- shh_addToGroup
- shh_newFilter
- shh_uninstallFilter
- shh_getFilterChanges
- shh_getMessages
You can follow along with any of these examples using IPC by replacing HttpClient
with IpcClient
iex> Ethereumex.HttpClient.web3_client_version
{:ok, "Parity//v1.7.2-beta-9f47909-20170918/x86_64-macos/rustc1.19.0"}
# Using the url option will overwrite the configuration
iex> Ethereumex.HttpClient.web3_client_version(url: "http://localhost:8545")
{:ok, "Parity//v1.7.2-beta-9f47909-20170918/x86_64-macos/rustc1.19.0"}
iex> Ethereumex.HttpClient.web3_sha3("wrong_param")
{:error, %{"code" => -32602, "message" => "Invalid params: invalid format."}}
iex> Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_get_balance("0x407d73d8a49eeb85d32cf465507dd71d507100c1")
{:ok, "0x0"}
Note that all method names are snakecases, so, for example, shh_getMessages method has corresponding Ethereumex.HttpClient.shh_get_messages/1 method. Signatures can be found in Ethereumex.Client.Behaviour. There are more examples in tests.
eth_call example - Read only smart contract calls
In order to call a smart contract using the JSON-RPC interface you need to properly hash the data attribute (this will need to include the contract method signature along with arguments if any). You can do this manually or use a hex package like (ABI)[] to parse your smart contract interface or encode individual calls.
defp deps do
{:ethereumex, "~> 0.4.0"},
{:abi, "~> 0.1.8"}
Now load the abi and pass the method signature. Note that the address needs to be converted to bytes
address = "0x123" |> String.slice(2..-1) |> Base.decode16(case: :mixed)
contract_address = "0x432"
abi_encoded_data = ABI.encode("balanceOf(address)", [address]) |> Base.encode16(case: :lower)
Now you can use eth_call to execute this smart contract command:
balance_bytes = Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_call(%{
data: "0x" <> abi_encoded_data,
to: contract_address
To convert the balance into an integer:
|> String.slice(2..-1)
|> Base.decode16!(case: :lower)
|> TypeDecoder.decode_raw([{:uint, 256}])
|> List.first
eth_send_raw_transaction example - Payable smart contract call
Calling a smart contract method that requires computation will cost you gas or ether (if that method requires payment also). This means you will have to sign your transactions using the private key that owns some ethereum. In order to send signed transactions you will need both ABI and Blockchain hex packages.
abi_encoded_data = ABI.encode("transferFrom(address,address,uint)", [from_address, to_address, token_id])
contract_address = "0x123" |> String.slice(2..-1) |> Base.decode16(case: :mixed)
transaction_data = %Blockchain.Transaction{
data: abi_encoded_data,
gas_limit: 100_000,
gas_price: 16_000_000_000,
init: <<>>,
nonce: 5,
to: contract_address,
value: 0
|> Blockchain.Transaction.Signature.sign_transaction(private_key)
|> Blockchain.Transaction.serialize()
|> ExRLP.encode()
|> Base.encode16(case: :lower)
Ethereumex.HttpClient.eth_send_raw_transaction("0x" <> transaction_data)
Custom requests
Many Ethereum protocol implementations support additional JSON-RPC API methods. To use them, you should call Ethereumex.HttpClient.request/3 method.
For example, let's call parity's personal_listAccounts method.
iex> Ethereumex.HttpClient.request("personal_listAccounts", [], [])
Batch requests
To send batch requests use Ethereumex.HttpClient.batch_request/1 method.
requests = [
{:web3_client_version, []},
{:net_version, []},
{:web3_sha3, ["0x68656c6c6f20776f726c64"]}
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Ayrat Badykov (@ayrat555)
Ethereumex is released under the MIT License.