
Data Structures Course Code: CS 201 National Institute of Technology, Silchar.

Submitted by Saloni Agarwal 2012115 CSE Sec-B.


How to generate unique string hash value? For instance, input: ”CSE Rocks”, Output: Some integer value Benchmark the performance of Insertion sort technique for average case, best case and worst cases. Draw the chart. Write a program to generate a set of prime numbers using Sieve of Eratosthenes. Input range n = 2^64-1. Write a program to create library for the array A[] of size n of the following functions a. InsertItemAtLast(int A[], int n, int key), return void b. InsertItemAtFirst(int A[], int n, int key), return void c. InsertItemAtIndex(int A[], int n, int i, int key), return void d. DeleteItemFromLast(int A[], int n, int key), return void e. DeleteItemfromFirst(int A[], int n, int key), return void f. DeleteItemFromIndex(int A[], int n, int i, int key), return void g. FindItemUnsorted(int A[], int n, int key), return index h. FindItemSorted(int A[], int n, int key), return index i. SortArray(int A[], int n), return void j. ExtractSubest(int A[], int n, int i, int j), return new array k. DeleteSubset(int A[], int n, int i, int j), return void l. SplitIntoTwoArray(int A[], int n), return new subarray m. CloneArray(int A[], int n, int B[]), return new subarray n. ShiftLeftArray(int A[], int n, int r), return void o. ShiftRightArray(int A[], int n, int r), return void p. RotateArrayClockwise(int A[], int n, int r), return void q. RotateArrayAntiClockwise(int A[], int n, int r), return void r. FindMin(int A[], int n), return index s. FindMax(int A[], int n), return index t. FillArrayPseudoRandom(int A[], int n), return void u. FillArrayTrueRandom(int A[], int n), return void v. IncreaseArraySize(int A[], int n, int m), return new array w. SetArrayToZero(int A[], int n), returns void x. DeleteAllItemOfArray(int A[], int n), returns void y. DeleteArray(int A[], int n), returns void z. AllocateArray(int A[], int n), returns address where i, and j are index, key is to be searched/inserted/deleted, r is the total number of rotations/shifting.