
Online implementation of CFW's parser and mixin --- Vecel serverless deployment example

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

English | 简体中文


This repository is a deployment example of Clash-Parser-Online on Vercel.

For details, please refer to the original repository: https://github.com/InoryS/Clash-Parser-Online


When deploying with Vercel, request query parameters will be logged in error responses, and your subscription information might be exposed to me.

Additionally, with just one more line of code, it's possible to view recorded query parameters in Vercel without needing an error response.

Therefore, it's strongly recommended that you deploy your own example rather than using someone else's service.

Although this repository doesn't include such features, I still recommend using your own code. Of course, if you're willing to intentionally create erroneous requests and share them with me, that's even better (just kidding).

Also, you need to pay attention to vercel.json, I use the redirection feature in vercel.json to protect sensitive files from external access, you may want to make sure it is applied correctly.

Deployment Guide

  1. Fork this repository and set it as a private repository.
  2. Log in to your Vercel account and import the forked repository.
  3. Select Other for the framework preset and keep the default build settings unchanged.
  4. Wait for the deployment to finish.
  5. Once completed, the service will be available.

Alternatively, you can organize the files following this repository's structure and deploy them manually.


  1. I am too lazy to update this warehouse code. Please get the latest code from the original warehouse. Generally, copy the main program code from the original git repository and update it to your repository.
  2. When deploying on Vercel, the request path should be in the form of https://example.com/api? or https://example.com/api/?, not the root directory.
  3. Example request path: https://clash-parser-online-vercel.vercel.app/api?source=jynb&mixin=jynb. Requesting this URL will return an error response because the URL in the source.txt of this repository is invalid.


此仓库是 Clash-Parser-Online 的 Vercel 的部署示例。



使用 Vercel 部署时,请求的查询参数在错误响应中会被记录,您的订阅信息有可能会泄露给我。

此外只需要增加 1 行代码,即可在 Vercel 中看到记录查询参数,而无需是错误响应。



另外,你需要留意 vercel.json,我使用 vercel.json 中的重定向功能来保护敏感文件不可被外部访问,你可能想要确认其被正确应用。


  1. Fork 本仓库,并将其设置为私有仓库。
  2. 使用您的 Vercel 账户登录并导入刚刚 Fork 的仓库。
  3. 框架预设选择 Other,保持默认的构建设置不变。
  4. 等待部署完成。
  5. 部署完成后即可使用。



  1. 我懒得更新此仓库代码,最新代码请从原仓库获取,一般从原仓库复制一下主程序代码然后更新到你的仓库即可。
  2. 在 Vercel 部署时,请求路径应形如 https://example.com/api?https://example.com/api/?,而非根目录。
  3. 请求路径例:https://clash-parser-online-vercel.vercel.app/api?source=jynb&mixin=jynb 请求此 url 会得到错误回应,因为本仓库的 source.txt 中的 url 是无效的