
wger helm charts

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Helm charts for wger deployment on Kubernetes


If you know what you are doing, you can go ahead and run these commands to install wger. Otherwise, keep on reading!

helm repo add github-wger https://wger-project.github.io/helm-charts

helm upgrade \
  --install wger github-wger/wger \
  --version 0.1.2 \
  --namespace wger \


This chart bootstraps a wger deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager, alongside with a PostgreSQL for a database and Redis as a caching service.


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 3.0+
  • PV infrastructure on the cluster if persistence is needed
  • Ingress infrastructure for exposing the installation

Installing the chart

You can install the chart by adding our helm repository and then installing it normally via helm upgrade.

helm repo add github-wger https://wger-project.github.io/helm-charts

helm upgrade \
  --install wger github-wger/wger \
  --version 0.1.2 \
  --namespace wger \
  --values values.yaml

This will install the chart with the defaults, stated in values.yaml. If you need to override values, you can add a values.yaml file and set the new values there. They are fine if you are testing wger out, but should be changed for production. Please see the parameters section.


The following table contains the configuration parameters of the chart with their default values. For additional configuration of the Bitnami PostgreSQL and Redis, please check the additional information.


Name Description Type Default Value
app.global.image Image to use for the wger deployment String wger/server:latest
app.global.imagePullPolicy Pull policy to use for the image String Always
app.global.annotations Annotations to attach to each resource, apart from the ingress and the persistence objects Dictionary {}
app.global.replicas Number of webserver instances that should be running. Integer 1


Name Description Type Default Value
ingress.enabled Whether to enable ingress. If false, the options from below are ignored Boolean false
ingress.url The URL that this ingress should use String fit.example.com
ingress.tls Whether to enable TLS. If using cert-manager, the correct annotations have to be set Boolean true
ingress.annotations Annotations to attach to the ingress Dictionary {}


Name Description Type Default Value
service.type Sets the http service type, valid values are NodePort, ClusterIP or LoadBalancer. String ClusterIP
service.port Port for the service Integer 8000
service.annotations Annotations to attach to the service Dictionary {}


Name Description Type Default Value
app.persistence.enabled Whether to enable persistent storage. If false, the options from below are ignored Boolean false
app.persistence.storageClass StorageClass for the PVCs String ""
app.persistence.accessModes Access modes for the PVCs Array ["ReadWriteMany"]
app.persistence.size PVC size String 8Gi
app.persistence.annotations Annotations to attach to the persistence objects (PVC and PV) Dictionary {}

Application Resources

Name Description Type Default Value
app.resources.requests.memory Amount of memory that the app requests for running. Keep this value low to allow the pod to get admitted on a node. String 128Mi
app.resources.requests.cpu Amount of CPU that the app requests for running. Keep this value low to allow the pod to get admitted on a node. String 100m
app.resources.limits.memory Maximum amount of memory that the app is allowed to use. String 512Mi
app.resources.limits.cpu Maximum amount of CPU that the app is allowed to use. String 500m

Environment Variables

Name Description Type Default Value
app.environment Array of objects, representing additional environment variables to set for the deployment. Array [{name: TIME_ZONE, value: UTC}, {name: ENABLE_EMAIL, value: "False"}]

If you are interested in the environment variables that use values from the helm charts, please see templates/statefulset.yaml.

PostgreSQL and Redis settings

The application reuses the following settings directly from the Bitnami Helm charts. For more options, see the Postgresql chart and the the Redis chart.


To upgrade to a new wger release, all you have to do is change the image that the deployment uses. Please ensure that the correct input policy has been set.

For PostgreSQL and Redis upgrades, please check the Bitnami documentation, linked at the end of the README.


To uninstall a release called wger:

helm delete wger


Please check the contributing guidelines of the wger project.


  • if you have a problem, create an issue in the issue tracker
  • if you have a cool idea, create a fork and send pull requests
  • assure that your code is well-formed (hint: helm lint is a useful command). This is enforced using continuous integration.

Running a highly available setup

The deployment can be scaled using app.global.replicas to allow for more web server replicas. Persistence should be enabled as well to ensure that the different webservers have access to the same static and media shares.

In a production deployment, it is assumed that these files will be handled by a CDN/SE in front of your application so persistence remains optional. Postgres persistence should be enabled as well for all scenarios except local dev.

Developing locally

In order to develop locally, you will need minikube installed. It sets a local Kubernetes cluster that you can use for testing the Helm chart.

If this is your first time developing a Helm chart, you'd want to try the following:

# start minikube
$ minikube start

# deploy the helm chart using the command from above
$ helm dependency update
$ helm upgrade --install wger . --namespace wger --create-namespace

# observe that the pods start correctly
$ kubectl get pods -n wger
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
wger-app-0              1/1     Running   1 (71s ago)   3m7s
wger-postgresql-0       1/1     Running   3 (88s ago)   22h
wger-redis-master-0     1/1     Running   3 (71s ago)   22h
wger-redis-replicas-0   1/1     Running   3 (71s ago)   22h
wger-redis-replicas-1   1/1     Running   3 (71s ago)   22h
wger-redis-replicas-2   1/1     Running   3 (71s ago)   22h

# read the logs from the pods
$ kubectl logs wger-app-0 -n wger
PostgreSQL started :)
*** Database does not exist, creating one now
Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: auth, authtoken, config, contenttypes, core, easy_thumbnails, exercises, gallery, gym, mailer, manager, measurements, nutrition, sessions, sites, weight
Running migrations:
  Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK

# if you need to debug something in the pods, you can start a shell
$ kubectl exec -it wger-app-0 -n wger -- bash

# start a local proxy to test the web interface
# Wger will then be available on http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/wger/services/wger-http:8000/proxy/en
$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on

# when you are finished with the testing, stop minikube
$ minikube stop

# if you'd like to start clean, you can delete the whole cluster
$ minikube delete


Feel free to contact us if you found this useful or if there was something that didn't behave as you expected. We can't fix what we don't know about, so please report liberally. If you're not sure if something is a bug or not, feel free to file a bug anyway.

Additional information