
Picks a random choice out of a list of choices.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Random Item Selector Web App


This is a simple web application to pick from a list of values. It allows users to input items into a list and then select one at random.

The web server runs on port 8080.

Note that there is no session management implemented, so refreshing the page will clear all entries.

A look at how amazing this application looks


  • Add Items: Users can add items using a text input box.
  • Random Selection: Click a button to highlight a random item from the list.

Running with Docker

You can run the container this way:

docker run -p 8080:8080 inputobject2/random-picker

API Usage

There are two ways to use this randomizer. The first is to go on the web page directly with a web browser, type in your items and hit random. Refresh the page to clear it out.

The second is with the API by sending a POST with a json body to /random, the API will return a random object from the list you sent.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/random -d '{"items":["apple", "banana", "cherry"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Server responds with:
