
Jest Integration Test for serverless-aws-lambda



yarn add -D serverless-aws-lambda-jest
# or
npm install -D serverless-aws-lambda-jest


Some recommendations to speed up jest integration tests by avoiding double bundeling of your Lambdas by Jest and serverless-aws-lambda.

  • Use separate jest config files for you Unit and Integration test, example:
    • (Integration Test)
    • jest.ut.config.js (Unit Test)
  • Do not write your Integration Tests inside the same (sub) directory as your Lambda handlers
  • Specify your Integrations Test root directory inside your's rootDir.
  • Set jestPlugin at the end of your defineConfig plugins array.


use serverless-aws-lambda's defineConfig to import this plugin

// config.js
const { defineConfig } = require("serverless-aws-lambda/defineConfig");
const { jestPlugin } = require("serverless-aws-lambda-jest");

module.exports = defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      configFile: "./",
      oneshot: false,
      coverage: {
        outDir: "./coverage/",
        json: true,
        badge: true,
        threshold: 60,

Testing async events

The plugin exposes multiple global functions to wait for handler async invokation responses.

Simple example of implementation for a SQS event:

import { SQSClient, SendMessageCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-sqs";
const client = new SQSClient({
  region: "eu-west-3",
  endpoint: `http://localhost:${process.env.LOCAL_PORT}/@sqs`,
const cmd = new SendMessageCommand({
  QueueUrl: "MyQueueName",
  MessageBody: JSON.stringify({
    hello: {
      message: "world",
      firstVisit: true,
test("Single SQS", async () => {
  const res = await client.send(cmd);
  const handlerResponse = await sqsResponse(res.MessageId);

see more examples.


Supported events

  • Application Load Balancer (alb)
  • API Gateway (http, httpApi)
  • DynamoDB Streams
  • S3
  • SNS
  • SQS


  • serverless-aws-lambda's LOCAL_PORT env variable is injected into process.env of your test files which could be used to make offline request against the local server.
  • Set oneshot option to true to launch Integrations Tests and exit the process after the first test sequence. Node Process will exit with 0 code, or 1 if Jest tests fails or coverage threshold is not met.
    • It is also possible to delay exit process by passing {delay: secondes} to oneshot.
  • use coverage option to generate coverage result json file and svg badge.
  • See an example project