👨‍💻 About Me

Hey there! I'm Piotr, a seasoned software developer with a passion for crafting elegant solutions to complex problems.

With several years in the industry, I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects across various domains and technologies.

Outside of coding, you might find me going deeper into the realms of malware analysis and reverse engineering. I believe in the power of open-source collaboration and giving back to the tech community.

GitHub Streak


👨‍💻 Active Professional Languages and Tech:

salesforce logo javascript logo nodejs logo typescript logo jest logo

💸 Commercial Expertise:

java logo spring logo android logo csharp logo dot-net logo dotnetcore logo mysql logo vb logo vba logo kotlin logo

🔥 Unapplied Tech I Command:

c logo xamarin logo apple logo swift logo flutter logo r logo spss logo fbasic logo

🌱 Growing My Tech Garden:

asm logo angularjs logo react logo jquery logo mongodb logo holyc logo cplusplus logo linux logo bash logo python logo powershell logo solidity logo svelte logo tailwindcss logo adobephotoshop logo adobeillustrator logo xd logo figma logo ruby logo rails logo docker logo kubernetes logo raspberrypi logo arduino logo abap logo cobol logo