Django-relinking application adds function and template filter for relinking custom text.


  1. Run from command line "pip install django-relinking"
  2. Add "django_relinking" to INSTALLED_APPS in your settings package
  3. Run migrations: python manage.py migrate django_relinking


If you want you can redefine next options:

  • RELINKING_LINK_TEMPLATE - template for link tag. Default: RELINKING_LINK_TEMPLATE = '<a target="{target}" href="{url}">{text}</a>'
  • RELINKING_ENABLE_CACHE - enable or disable caching. Default: RELINKING_ENABLE_CACHE = False
  • RELINKING_CACHE_PREFIX - prefix for keys in cache. Default: RELINKING_CACHE_PREFIX = "{links_table}.{hash}"
  • RELINKING_INDEX_PATTERN - temporary pattern for replacting keys to link indexes. Default: RELINKING_INDEX_PATTERN = "<%=link {}=%>"


Before usage you must register models or other objects which have get_absolute_url method:

from django_relinking.content_types import register

content_type - class of model or view which has method 'get_absolute_url`

verbose_name - human title of content type.
--- verbose_name can be a function. Default is None.
--- If verbose_name is None and content_type has attribute 'verbose_name',
------ then verbose_name = content_type.verbose_name
--- If verbose_name is None and content_type has method 'verbose_name',
------ then verbose_name = content_type.verbose_name()
--- If verbose_name is None and content_type hasn't attribute 'verbose_name'
------ then verbose_name = content_type.__name__

objects - queryset or list of this content_type objects.
--- For example: ``` Model.objects.all() ```.
--- Every objects must have attribute pk and `get_absolute_url` method
--- If objects is None - this content type is a single
--- and it must have `get_absolute_url` method
register(content_type, verbose_name, objects)

Also you can:

from django_relinking.content_types import register_all, unregister, unregister_all
# Register many content types for one time
register_all(content_type1, content_type2, ..., content_typeN)
# Unregister registered content type
# Unregister all registered content types
# Unregister some registered content types
unregister_all(content_type1, content_type2, ..., content_typeN)

When you register appropriate content types you can:

In template:

{% load relinking %}
<!-- Plain text -->
{% filter relink %}
    plain text
{% endfilter %}
<!-- variable -->
{{ model.attr|relink }}

In code:

from django_relinking import relink_text
relinked = relink_text(some_text_with_keywords)