KTgBotAPI keyboards library Maven Central

This library provides special DSL for Telegram Bots API keyboards.


Gradle Groovy:

implementation "dev.inmo:tgbotapi.keyboards.lib:$version"

Gradle Kotlin:




How to use

val menu = buildMenu rootMenu@{
    row {
            id = "sample", // id for button to be used in current menu
            text = "Sample", // text for button
            callbacksRegex = Regex("sample") // optional regex for all callbacks to be registered in the future
        ) { // callback for builder, here `it` is `DataCallbackQuery?`, where null-value means initial setup
            row {
                    id = "back", // id for button to be used in current menu
                    text = "Back", // text for button
                    callbacksRegex = Regex("back") // optional regex for all callbacks to be registered in the future
                ) {
                    if (it != null) { // when real request
                    } else { // when initial call

As you may see, there are two phases in common case:

  • Initialization of menus
  • Handling of requests

Initialization of menus

So, we have menu and now we may setup it in bot:

val bot = telegramBot("YOUR TOKEN")
bot.buildBehaviourWithLongPolling {
    setupMenuTriggers(menu) // setting up listening of buttons clicking