
Part of funcampR project, funcamp-r-grimoire is a collection of R tutorials for beginners, with enigmas related to icaRius serious game. Tutorials are orchestrated as learnr and shiny Rmd applications.

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


FuncampR Grimoire R Package - General purpose.

The goal of funcamp-r-grimoire is to deploy tutorials built as shiny_prerendered and shiny rmd that are gathered in a R package and/or docker. Each tutorial is presented as a chapter of a "grimoire", which the trainee opens during his quest in the Icarius game. The tutorial n°XX corresponds to the chapterXX.Rmd file. All the tutorials are grouped in a directory named learnr and stored in their chapterXX sub-directory. In addition, a data directory groups together the data files necessary to monitor the exercises. All source files are stored in sub-directories corresponding to the chapter concerned.

Deploy using Docker

Use the base docker image as built in inseefrlab/funcamp-r-base:master, with all necessary packages included (especially, shiny, shinyAce, learnr, parsons).

build the package

FROM inseefrlab/funcamp-r-base:master as build  
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y  git-core libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev make pandoc zlib1g-dev pandoc-citeproc
ADD . /app
RUN cd /app && R CMD build .

Create a Dockerfile

FROM inseefrlab/funcamp-r-base:master
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y  git-core libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev make pandoc zlib1g-dev pandoc-citeproc
COPY --from=build /app/funcamp*.tar.gz /app.tar.gz
RUN R -e 'remotes::install_local("/app.tar.gz")'
CMD  ["R", "-e", "funcampR::launch_learn(port=3838,host='')"]

Launch docker image

docker run -p 80:3838 inseefrlab/funcamp-r-grimoire:master

Launch a tutorial

Launch a random tutorial :


Launch tutorial n°XX :
