
Globally installable Reason toolchain.

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT


Reason toolchain packaged for npm.

Build Status

Supported: Installing via NPM/Yarn, on Mac OS or Linux.


1. Choose your platform

Are you using the new Reason syntax or the old one?

The package's size over network is around 140mb. It takes a while to download, especially on slower internet. If npm is stuck and doesn't produce any errors then it's probably just downloading it. This will be fixed in the following releases. Sorry. (If you are having trouble, you can download the tarball to your machine separately, and run npm install path/to/tarball, to install from the local file).

New Syntax (3)

type platform install command Notes
binary OSX npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/3.0.0-bin-darwin.tar.gz Installs Binaries
binary Linux npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/3.0.0-bin-linux.tar.gz Installs Binaries

(Or yarn global add https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/3.0.0-bin-darwin.tar.gz, etc.)

Old Syntax (2)

type platform install command Notes
binary OSX npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/beta-v-1.13.7-bin-darwin.tar.gz Installs Binaries
binary Linux npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/beta-v-1.13.7-bin-linux.tar.gz Installs Binaries

(Or yarn global add https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/beta-v-1.13.7-bin-darwin.tar.gz, etc.)

The installation requires glibc >=3.4.21. If you're on macOS, you should be good to go. If you're on Ubuntu, reason-cli requires Ubuntu 16.04. Otherwise the postinstall might fail.

2. Install your editor plugins

Pick your favorite editor plugin here

3. Updating when needed

Just reinstall over the previously installed package. It's usually a good idea to uninstall the old reason-cli first.

npm uninstall -g reason-cli
npm install -g git://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli.git#beta-v-1.13.7-bin-darwin

Optional: Install as local developer tool:

reason-cli now supports being installed as a dev-time dependency in an npm project. Simply omit the -g flag. The binaries will show up in your node_modules/.bin directory.

Included Binaries

When installed with npm install -g, reason-cli places the following tools in your path:

  • ocamlmerlin
  • ocamlmerlin-reason
  • refmt
  • ocamlrun
  • ocamlc/ocamlopt
  • ocamlfind


Optional dev/pack releases:

There are also two other types of releases, dev and pack.

  • dev: Live on the bleeding edge and help us find bugs earlier. When installed, it downloads sources, packs them into a bundle, and then builds them from source - all on the client.

  • pack: (Not yet released) (experimental) Builds a prepacked bundle of sources on the client. Suitable for offline installations, CI, isolated networks, and environments that require building on host.

type install command Notes
dev npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/beta-v-1.13.7-dev.tar.gz Downloads+Packs Source, Builds Source
pack Not yet distributed. You can create your own release - see releaseUtils/README.md Builds Prepacked Source


You need esy@0.0.16 (at least) installed globally:

npm install -g esy

Now you can use make release TYPE=... command.

For dev releases (an installation process will download a copy of Esy, a set of its deps and perform a build):

make release TYPE=dev

For pack releases (an installation process will perform only build, all deps are bundled with the release):

make release TYPE=pack

For bin releases (an installation process will just copy prebuilt binaries to the installation location):

make release TYPE=bin

After you've performed the release build you can release it:

Using pack to build on isolated network host (using npm -g on the destination):

git clone git@github.com:reasonml/reason-cli.git
cd reason-cli
make build-release TYPE=pack
cd _release/pack
npm pack
npm install --global ./reason-cli-VERSION.tgz

You cannot move the installation once you have installed it into a location (global or local). To move the package, uninstall it and reinstall it from the new location. You can, however, install it anywhere you like.

Using pack to build on isolated network host (without npm):

If you do not have npm installed on the destination host, then the setup is largely the same but instead of the final npm install ./package command you can simply extract release.tar.gz to the installation directory of your choosing and then invoke the postinstall.sh yourself. Again, don't move the package once it's installed.

On build host:

git clone git@github.com:reasonml/reason-cli.git
cd reason-cli
make build-release TYPE=pack
cd _release/pack
npm pack

On target host:

tar xzf reason-cli-VERSION.tgz
cd package

Then you can simply invoke the binaries as part of a build script elsewhere, or include the binary locations for refmt in your bsconfig.



After installing globally, you can put something like this in your .bashrc and all the underlying toolchain binaries will be in your path, without having to go through the npm bin links redirection. This is useful for debugging purposes:

export ESY_EJECT__STORE=`cat /path/to/global/reason-cli/records/recordedClientInstallStorePath.txt`
source /path/to/global/reason-cli/.cache/_esy/build-eject/eject-env

More Info


  • For failed installs try:

    npm install -g whateverReasonCliReleaseYouTried --ignore-scripts
    cd whereverYourGlobalNpmPackagesAreStored/reason-cli/
    • Does it give any better information about what is failing?
    • Is there a specific log file that it claims the actual error is written into?
  • Did you remember to install using -g?

  • When updating, did you try to uninstall the previous installation?

Each published binary includes the built-in ability to troubleshoot where each binary is resolved to. If something is going wrong with your refmt command, you can see which released binary refmt actually invokes in the release. We use the ----where flag with four - characters because it's unlikely to conflict with any meaningful parameters of binaries like refmt.

refmt ----where

> /path/to/npm-packages/lib/reason-cli/actualInstall/builds/reason/bin/refmt