
the community effort to bring pika back, take 2


the community effort to bring pika back, take 2



hello, i'm superwhiskers. i am a developer of @PretendoNetwork, and creator of numerous random things such as whiskercade and maryo. all in all, i hope that i am of use to this cause.


Hi, I'm alonchalo. I like to code in my free time, I am an administrator in a discord server, and I like physics and overall science. I hope I can help.


Hi, I'm TJ. I like to code professionally and in my free time, I also help to run a discord server in my free time. I hope I can help.

ru ni

I'm a 22 y/o tech enthusiast from the uk. I've been helping run the discord server for a somewhat prominent indie game studio since the company was just a guy watching tutorials. The server is at 36k users right now so the last few years have been quite the experience dealing with communities of various sizes as they grow. But there's also other servers like the me_irl one that i've found myself connected with as I've known the previous 'owner' of the server from the gamedev server for a year or two before and have been operating it since the transfer of ownership a little while ago. I'm not sure what impression you've got of the server but I'd be interested to hear what it is and what could have left that impression on you.


Hi! I'm a music major who spends free time playing video games. I'm often on discord and I enjoy being a part of small communities. I want to do what I can to help Pika.


Hello there, I'm a computer enthusiast that likes spreadsheets, video games, and adding to the list of discord servers I'm rarely ever seen on. Pika's isn't among those and I am looking forward to helping him when possible.


I go by the username RoadKillPheasant. I'm from the UK and I'm currently studying maths, computer science, and physics. I'm a teenager with an interest in programming and I want to do rocket science when I'm older.

Killer Queenstar

I'm Killer Queenstar. I'm also a teenager who is interested in programming, and I love graphic design, linguistics, watching anime (japanese TV), and playing video games. I'm learning a lot of skills at the moment, reading a lot of books, and having a lot of fun playing with my friends. We all miss Pika, and hope that he can return to the discord.

SCOTT0852 (aka Local Nintendo Hacker)

I'm a student who spends a decent amount of time playing video games and hacking consoles (current list: Wii U, 3DS, PS Vita, and Switch). Personally, I think Pika really added something to the conversations we had on Discord & would love to see him back. That pika.py bot he made looks pretty neat too, it's more complex than a few other bots I've seen (and I'm in maybe 30 or 40 different Discord servers!)


I am a 16 y/o male who has been working with computer programming for the last decade. I am a contract developer that works in multiple programming lanaguages, including but not limited to: Python, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, Java, and many more. As a hobby, I develop homebrew for, and work on exploit implementations for Nintendo consoles such as the DS, 3DS, Wii, Wii U, and more recently the DSi. I also play piano and multiple other musical instruments fluently as a hobby. I am going into my senior year of High School and have completed multiple college and college level courses including AP Psychology and AP Algebra II. I have plans to go into server management after High School and continue to work contract programming jobs on the side.


I am a 12 y/o pre-teen that spends alot of time playing games and talking to friends. I have been practicing programming and plan on helping out with Pretendo to revive the Wii U and 3DS series.


I'm a teenager who likes to hack consoles and generally mess around with computers. I currently know multiple programming lanaguages such as C++, Java, Python, Javascript, and Kotlin. I love to hack consoles, play games, and make games. I feel Pika should be added back as he has shown to be nice very helpful to all the Discord servers i've seen him on.


Hi! I'm a student interested with programming. I've been enjoying building up my security and server expertise, in addition to working on reverse engineering products. In my spare time, you'll often catch me reading, listening to music or just hanging out with friends.

I've only known Pika for shorter than people above probably have but have had some good conversations about programming, including one of my favorite languages, Go. It's my hope you'll let them continue to be with all the cool developer people above on Discord.


Hello, I'm wrath. I'm 17 years old and I love doing things like small coding projects, playing videogames or talking to people like pika on Discord. I also moderate a lot of Discord servers and try to help whenever I can ^~^