
MvvmScarletToolkit is a personal project and framework to speed up the development process of xaml based applications using the viewmodel first approach

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


License: MIT NuGet Build status CodeFactor codecov

MvvmScarletToolkit provides classes to speedup the MVVM development process for xaml-based applications using the viewmodel first approach.

Pre release nuget packages are available here and on github.


  • MvvmScarletToolkit.Commands

    • fluent interface to build task based icommands
      • cancellation support
      • limiting command execution to one per instance at any given time
      • state management and notification
  • MvvmScarletToolkit.Observables

    • INotifyPropertyChanged base classes for single instance viewmodels and collection viewmodels
    • Localization ViewModels (switching language without app restart)
    • Threadsafe busy state notifications via IBusyStack interface
    • ChangeTracker based on INotifyPropertyChanged
    • ChangeTracker based on PropertyChangedMessage<T> (from CommunityToolkit.Mvvm)
    • Helper viewmodels for
      • paging
      • enums
      • binding to structs and value types
      • basic versioning/change tracking
      • navigation
  • MvvmScarletToolkit.Wpf

    • BindingProxy
    • Features
      • Support for * Sizing in GridViews
      • Support for providing an explicit list of datatemplates for a datatemplate selector
      • Support for managing groupings from an ICollectionView
      • Support for loading a System.Drawing.Bitmap into a BitmapSource without copying its data
    • Attached Properties
      • Filter
        • binding ICollectionView.Filter
        • refresh ICollectionView on property change
      • Focus
        • set focus on window load
    • TriggerActions
      • ClearPasswordBoxAction
      • ClearTextBoxAction
    • Behaviors
      • MultiSelectionBehavior: bind MultiSelector.SelectedItems (for DataGrid)
      • MultiListBoxSelectionBehavior: bind ListBx.SelectedItems
      • SelectedTreeViewItemBehavior: bind SelectedItem for TreeView
      • PasswordBindingBehavior: bind PasswordBox.Password
      • WatermarkBehavior for TextBoxes
      • AutoRepositionPopupBehavior
      • LaunchNavigateUriAsNewProcessBehavior: Launch Hyperlink.NavigateUri in a new Process
      • ScrollSelectionIntoViewBehavior: scroll SelectedItem into View for DataGrid and ListBox
      • ScrollToEndCommandBehavior: execute a command, when a scrollviewer has been scrolled to its vertical or horizontal end
      • AutoScrollBehavior: auto scrolling for Selector (e.g. ListBox and DataGrid)
      • AllowableCharactersTextBoxBehavior: control the types of charachters allowed to be written into a TextBox
    • Controls
      • FileSystemBrowser
      • VirtualizingTilePanel
      • VirtualizingWrapPanel
    • (Multi-)Converters as Markupextension
      • ToCase (convert a string to a given casing)
      • SmallerThan (whether a bound number is smaller than the converter value)
      • GreaterThan (whether a bound number is larger than the converter value)
      • IsNot (negate a boolean)
      • IsNotNull (return whether something is not null)
      • IsNotNullOrEmpty (return whether a string is not null or empty)
      • IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace (return whether a string is not null or whitespace)
      • IsNull (return whether something is null)
      • IsNullOrEmpty (return whether a string is null or empty)
      • IsNullOrWhiteSpace (return whether a string is null or whitespace)
      • DebugConverter (log bound values and value changes to the Debug.Listener)
      • InvertBooleanToVisibilityConverter (negate a boolean to visibility)
      • RadioButtonCheckedConverter (compares the bound value to the argument and returns whether they are equal)
      • MultiBooleanAndConverter (combines all conditions with logical and)
    • MarkupExtensions
      • ConverterMarkupExtension
      • MultiConverterMarkupExtension
      • EnumBindingSourceExtension (create an itemsource from an enum type)
      • StartProcessExtension (let the OS open an uri)
    • Extensions
      • DependencyObjectExtensions
  • MvvmScarletToolkit.Abstractions

    • EnumerableExtensions
    • ListExtensions
    • EnumExtensions
    • TypeExtensions
    • EventExtensions
  • MvvmScarletToolkit.Wpf.Samples (for WPF)

    • simple navigation
    • master detail view
    • async cancelable commands using ICommand
    • simple file/folder browser
    • barebones drag and drop example
    • an implementation of IProgress (e.g for a progressbar) to send any amount of updates without locking up the UI thread
    • stress test for rendering lots of charachters converted to geometry objects
    • a passwordbox with binding support
    • watermark support for textboxes (custom watermark style included)
    • easy grouping for bound datagrids
    • clear button for textboxes

Build Requirements

This library uses SDK-style project files, which means you are required to use Visual Studio 2019 or newer. Visual Studio will prompt you to install any missing components once you open the sln file.

For anyone not wishing to install that, they atleast need:

(This should be everything, but it's possible i missed something. So please tell me if that's the case.)


  • finalize basic FileSystemBrowser
  • add more tests
  • improve documentation
  • add a nice icon for this lib
  • add Contribution guidelines