
This is a destination for Instabug to support logging gRPC requests.


There's Instabug_gRPC_Swift which is a Swift framework and intended to be used with Swift projects. And there's Instabug_gRPC_Objc which intended to be used with Objective-C projects


Add pod Instabug-gRPC-Swift or pod 'Instabug-gRPC-ObjC' to your podfile


iOS version >= 10.0 Instabug version >= 10.11.8

Swift Example

  1. Make sure you import our destination first: import Instabug_gRPC_Swift
  2. Create Interceptor factory that confirms to the interceptor factory protocol that you have in your .grpc file
  3. Make sure to return new instance of our Interceptor InstabugClientInterceptor() in the methods that you need us to log
  4. Conform on InstabugGRPCDataProtocol for request and response models which requires that you expose your models as Data
  5. You can convert your model to Data by conforming to Encodable
  6. You can pass the port optional in InstabugClientInterceptor as InstabugClientInterceptor(port:) to see it on the dashboard

Sample code

class ExampleClientInterceptorFactory: Echo_EchoClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol {
  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Get' RPC.
  func makeGetInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]

  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Expand' RPC.
  func makeExpandInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]

  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Collect' RPC.
  func makeCollectInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]

  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Update' RPC.
  func makeUpdateInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [InstabugClientInterceptor()]

extension GrpcAutomation_RepeaterRequest: InstabugGRPCDataProtocol, Encodable {
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case message, unknownFields
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        try container.encode(message, forKey: .message)
    public var gRPCRequestData: Data? {
        let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
        let data = try? jsonEncoder.encode(self)
        return data

And finally pass ExampleClientInterceptorFactory() to your client like this

let client = Echo_EchoClient(channel: channel, interceptors: ExampleClientInterceptorFactory())

ObjectiveC Example

  1. Create an array of GRPCInterceptorFactory

  2. Create a class that conforms to GRPCInterceptorFactory protocol

    @interface GRPCFactory : NSObject <GRPCInterceptorFactory>
  3. Override createInterceptorWithManager in GRPCFactory and return InstabugClientInterceptor

    - (nonnull GRPCInterceptor *)createInterceptorWithManager:(nonnull GRPCInterceptorManager *)interceptorManager {
        InstabugClientInterceptor *interceptor = [[InstabugClientInterceptor alloc] initWithInterceptorManager:interceptorManager dispatchQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
        return  interceptor;
  4. Create a new instance from GRPCFactory then add it to the interceptors array

  5. Create a new instance of GRPCInterceptorManager with the interceptorFactories array

  6. Then pass the manager to the factory instance then

  7. Finally pass interceptorFactories to options.interceptorFactories

Sample code

    GRPCMutableCallOptions *options = [[GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc] init];
    NSMutableArray<id<GRPCInterceptorFactory>> *interceptorFactories = [NSMutableArray new];
    GRPCFactory *factory = [GRPCFactory new];
    [interceptorFactories addObject:factory];
    GRPCInterceptorManager *manager = [[GRPCInterceptorManager alloc] initWithFactories:interceptorFactories

    [factory createInterceptorWithManager:manager];
    options.interceptorFactories = interceptorFactories;