LiveSplit ASL scripts for load removal and autosplitting for various PC games.
Open LiveSplit's splits editor and enter in the game's name. The autosplitter should appear above the splits. Simply click the Activate button.
If the plguin doesn't appear in LiveSplit automatically then you must download the script, add Control -> Scriptable Auto Splitter to your layout, open the layout settings, and point it to the file you downloaded.
- Are you running the correct version of the game?
- Make sure you're comparing against game time: right click -> compare against -> game time
- Antivirus programs love to give false positives. Exclude the entire LiveSplit folder.
- Make sure there's only one process of your game open. Kill any extra ones that may be in the background with task manager.
- Running livesplit as admin could help.
- Make sure .NET 4.5 is installed:
- If all else fails, reboot.
- Bioshock Trilogy (by MrWalrus, Glurmo, Dread, and me)
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
- Doom (2016) (by a lot of people)
- Dragon Age: Origins (by Letterswords)
- Dragon Age 2
- Fallout Anthology
- Fallout 3
- Fallout: New Vegas
- Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death
- Mass Effect
- Penumbra: Black Plague
- Resident Evil 4 (by LetsGetPitted)
- Rot Gut
- The Elder Scrolls: Anthology
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (by Fatalis and me)
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (by TheFuncanon and me)