Thyme is a console pomodoro timer.
$ gem install thyme
Start thyme with:
$ thyme
[= ] 24:59
You'll have 25 minutes by default. Ctrl-C
to interrupt. You can also start
it in daemon mode, which is only useful if you've got tmux integration to notify
you of the timer:
$ thyme -d
Some other useful commands:
$ thyme # run again to pause/unpause
$ thyme -s # stops daemon
$ thyme -d -r # repeats timer until you manually stop it
$ thyme -d -r 10 # repeats timer exactly 10 times
Configurations live in the ~/.thymerc
set :timer, 25*60 # 25 minute pomodoros
set :timer_break, 5*60 # 5 minute breaks
set :warning, 5*60 # show warning color in tmux at <5 minutes, 0 to disable
set :warning_color, 'red,bold' # warning color for tmux is red/bold
set :break_color, 'blue' # break color is blue
set :interval, 1 # refresh timer every 1 second
set :tmux, true # turn on tmux integration
set :tmux_theme, "#[fg=mycolor,bg=mycolor]#[fg=%s]%s#[fg=mycolor,bg=mycolor]"
# adds `-t --today` option, which opens a text file in vim
option :t, :today, 'open today sheet' do
`vim -O ~/ ~/ < \`tty\` > \`tty\``
# adds `-s --seconds num` option, which allows on the fly timer
option :s, 'seconds num', 'run with custom seconds' do |num|
set :timer, num.to_i
# execute hook before thyme program starts
before(:all) do
`mplayer ~/music/flight-of-the-bumble-bee.mp3 &`
# execute hook before each pomodoro
before do
`terminal-notifier -message "Let's get started!"`
# execute hook after each pomodoro
after do |seconds_left|
`terminal-notifier -message "Thyme's Up!"` if seconds_left == 0
# execute hook after thyme program quits
after(:all) do
`mplayer ~/music/victory.mp3 &`
For tmux integration, make sure to set the :tmux
option in ~/.thymerc
set :tmux, true
Then in your .tmux.conf
set-option -g status-right '#(cat ~/.thyme-tmux)'
set-option -g status-interval 1
For vim integration, I like to execute thyme -d
to toggle the timer. This only
works if you have tmux integration setup for the countdown:
nmap <leader>t :!thyme -d<cr>
Thyme's functionality can also be extended with plugins. They'll usually be installed
in ~/.thymerc
like this:
require 'thyme_growl'
use ThymeGrowl, text: 'Go take a break!'
You can create your own plugins. They implement these methods:
class MyThymePlugin
def initialize(thyme, options={})
# `thyme` is an instance of Thyme::Config (see lib/thyme/config.rb)
def before_all
# code to run when thyme starts up
def before
# code to run when timer starts
def tick(seconds_left)
# code to run each tick
def after(seconds_left)
# code to run when timer stops
def after_all
# code to run when thyme program ends
The before_all
, before
, tick
, after
, and after_all
methods are all optional.
Copyright Hugh Bien - Released under BSD License, see for more info.