ptauto is a collection of scripts for querying PassiveTotal and providing some level of automation. If you have a CRITs installation, it can automatically add queried indicators and relate them to the original indicator queried. Currently, only is included, which is a tool for querying PT and retrieving WHOIS results.
This is meant to run on a Linux server (we use Ubuntu).
Versioning has been added to track project changes. Any changes necessary by the end user will end up in the UPDATING file.
- Copy logging.ini and pt.ini from etc/ into etc/local/. Edit both files in etc/local/ to use your settings.
- If using CRITs, create a ~/.crits_api file with your CRITs API settings.
- Also if using CRITs, copy your crits/crits/vocabulary/ file to lib/crits/vocabulary.
See requirements.txt
The CRITs project can be found here:
This is intended to work with the latest version of stable_4.
The CRITs API must be available. The CRITs mongo database must be available.
In the future, there might be additional functionality for adding an Action or bucket_list item (or even do something more complicated by including your own custom python script), but this is not present currently.
The default stable_4 vocabulary file is included. If you have modified your CRITs installation, you must copy your crits/vocabulary/ file to lib/crits/vocabulary/ (as mentioned in the configuraiton section). This file is added in the .gitignore, so you'll need to update it if something relevant changes in the main CRITs branch.
When adding your own vocabulary file, you'll need to remove the import reference at the top.
from crits.vocabulary.vocab import vocab
and also remove the class inheritance of vocab:
class IndicatorTypes(vocab):
class IndicatorTypes():
By default, we have set logging to print debug messages. Edit etc/local/logging.ini to change this. To change just the console output, modify the level=DEBUG under handler_console. is simple to use.
usage: [-h] [--dev] [--crits] [--test] [-f] [-n | -a] QUERY
positional arguments:
QUERY A value to send as a query to PT. Email, phone, name, domain, etc.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--crits Write the results to CRITs with appropriate relationships.
--test Run with test data. (Save PT queries)
-f Force a new API query (do not used cached results.
-n The query is a name and pt_query will not try to determine the
type automatically.
-a The query is an address and pt_query will not try to determine
the type automatically.
As an example, let's take an email address: (All the resulting data is faked so we don't break any licensing agreements with PT)
$ bin/ --dev --test
Domain Registrant Email Registrant Name Registrant Date Expiration Date Tags
----------------------- ------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------ test name 2014-12-06 2016-12-06 test name 2014-09-14 2015-09-14 icecube ltd 2014-07-11 2015-07-11
Searching the email address returns several other domains registered by the same email address.
Searches PT for the query as an address in the WHOIS information.
Searches PT for the query as a registrant name in the WHOIS information.
Adds a custom tag (bucket list item) to the data added to CRITs
Assign a campaign to each indicator as it is added to CRITs. Only used if --crits is used.
Assign a campaign confidence for the given campaign. Only used if -c is used. Must be high/medium/low.
Example assigning the Arid Viper campaign to a domain and related WHOIS information found in PT:
$ bin/ --crits -c "Arid Viper" --cc medium
The --crits flag automatically uploads resulting data to CRITs and relates it properly. In the case above, loltest[@] would be uploaded as a WHOIS indicator, and the resulting domains would be uploaded as domain indicators. Relationships would then be created between the domains and the WHOIS indicator. If the WHOIS indicator is already found in CRITs, some additional information will be added to the new domains, such as campaigns and confidence/impact.
If you have two separate instances of CRITs, a dev and a prod, this will use the dev version (that you specify in the pt.ini file).
Some test data is provided for both email and telephone searches. This will allow you to test using the tool without using your PT API query allowance.
Results are cached by default from PT, and you must supply the -f option to obtain new results.
pt_query has the potential to return a ton of domains. You may not want all of these in CRITs. Because of this, it is a good idea to run pt_query once without the --crits flag to see what comes back. If you are satisfied with the result, you can then re-run the command with the --crits flag. Because it uses cached results, it won't waste time reaching out the PT and wasting an API call.
If a campaign is already assigned to the initial search query you give pt_query, it will inherent that campaign for all the associated indicators. For example, if you already have the whois email address "" in CRITs, and it has the campaign "BadNews" assigned to it, you can do the following:
pt_query --crits
Any results from PT that are added to CRITs will then be tagged with the campaign "BadNews" with the same confidence that was already assigned to "".