A library that allows you to scan, connect and interact with 1Sheeld boards using your custom Android app.
- 3amrous@elkrem
- ahmedismail15
- alieslam@elkrem @Integreight
- andandandandAI Service Center, Hasso Plattner Institute
- ankitgusaiAhmadabad, India
- ArteFrancoMolina
- bradydavid
- chaerunIndonesia
- cheny3922
- dimohamdyMobiquity
- dsandorAtlanta, GA
- fatimafouda
- Fridayfive
- ishotjr@pebble-dev
- issoAmsterdam, Netherlands
- itsjustvenkyBangalore
- jdurieu
- joebowbeer
- marcbln
- moustafa-nasr
- mrne532
- MTolbaCairo, Egypt
- MustafaFayez@microsoft
- nicodinhSenior Developer
- onealtom
- orderthruchaos
- pearlygurlee
- q2dgBarcelona (Spain)
- SaadroidIntegreight
- sawillms
- shenoudabmobiThought
- StephaneJubanFrance
- thanksmisterThanksMister LLC
- themactepthemactep
- waihsuenSingapore