
No "Unit" in the Sensor items on the dbus

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Normally the dbus item for a sensor contains a "Unit" for the value.

When I list this on the wolfpass openbmc this isn't present.

What I mean by "Unit" is a line line this: "Unit": "xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value.Unit.RPMS"

Below is an exapmle of what I get.

Is this expected in this version? How can this be corrected? Should something specific be added to the baseboard.json?

In my case the WebUI doesn't show any sensor data. As far as I can see this is because of this issue. How can this be solved or is this something that is know already and will be solved in a next release?

Best regards,

Wim Vervoorn

"/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature/CPU1_P12V_PVCCIN_VR_Temp": {
  "CriticalAlarmHigh": false,
  "CriticalAlarmLow": false,
  "CriticalHigh": 115.0,
  "CriticalLow": 0.0,
  "MaxValue": 255.0,
  "MinValue": 0.0,
  "Value": 0.0,
  "WarningAlarmHigh": false,
  "WarningAlarmLow": false,
  "WarningHigh": 110.0,
  "WarningLow": 5.0,
  "associations": [

dbus-sensors does not provide "unit" because generally the unit can easily be looked up from the dbus-path so it seemed redundant i.e. /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/temperature is degrees C, /xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/voltage is Volts, etc.

We've just recently enabled the webui in our builds, and are working through some of the issues there. This is one of the ones that is an issue.
Please see the patch below, which should move the interfaces to redfish, and away from the dbus API, which is the long term goal.