
Some basic digital hardware designs that are synthesized, implemented and verified on Max10 FPGA using Intel Quartus Prime Lite (18.1) and ModelSim Altera.

Primary LanguageVerilog


Basic digital hardware designs that are synthesized and implemented on Max10 FPGA using Intel Quartus Prime Lite and ModelSim Altera.
The designs are first verified traditionally using test-bench and tested using scan-chain (not always exhaustively).
They are then wrapped using a standard interfacing system and interfaced with NIOS-II processor using Platform Designer (formerly Qsys).
Eclipse IDE is used to write C-codes that illustrate how these (and similar) hardware designs can be used in practical applications.

  1. 4x4 Matrix Inversion over Galois Field 2
  2. XOR Neural Network using 16-bit Fixed Point Representation and LUT-based Sigmoid Function
  3. 4-tap Low Pass FIR Filter using 16-bit Fixed Point Representation

Note: Max-10 FPGA and compatible USB power cable and USB-Blaster are necessary. Refer to Intel website for tutorials on how to use the tools and the devices. Similar steps can be followed for other Intel FPGAs as well.