[CVPR 2023] The official Pytorch implementation of Re-GAN

Primary LanguagePython

Re-GAN: Data-Efficient GANs Training via Architectural Reconfiguration, CVPR 2023


Training Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) on high-fidelity images usually requires a vast number of training images. Recent research on GAN tickets reveals that dense GANs models contain sparse sub-networks or "lottery tickets" that, when trained separately, yield better results under limited data. However, finding GANs tickets requires an expensive process of train-prune-retrain. In this paper, we propose Re-GAN, a data-efficient GANs training that dynamically reconfigures GANs architecture during training to explore different sub-network structures in training time. Our method repeatedly prunes unimportant connections to regularize GANs network and regrows them to reduce the risk of prematurely pruning important connections. Re-GAN stabilizes the GANs models with less data and offers an alternative to the existing GANs tickets and progressive growing methods. We demonstrate that Re-GAN is a generic training methodology which achieves stability on datasets of varying sizes, domains, and resolutions (CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet, and multiple few-shot generation datasets) as well as different GANs architectures (SNGAN, ProGAN, StyleGAN2 and AutoGAN). Re-GAN also improves performance when combined with the recent augmentation approaches. Moreover, Re-GAN requires fewer floating-point operations (FLOPs) and less training time by removing the unimportant connections during GANs training while maintaining comparable or even generating higher-quality samples. When compared to state-of-the-art StyleGAN2, our method outperforms without requiring any additional fine-tuning step.

Impressive results

Mian Figure Table5


Our codes were implemented by Pytorch, we list the libraries and their version used in our experiments, but other versions should also be worked.

  1. Linux (Ubuntu)
  2. Python (3.8.0)
  3. Pytorch (1.13.0+cu116)
  4. torchvision (0.14.0)
  5. numpy (1.23.4)

Getting Started


Should you have any questions about using this repo, feel free to contact Jiahao Xu @ jiahxu@polyu.edu.hk

Hyperparameters introduction for SNGAN

Argument Type Description
epoch int Number of total training epochs
batch_size int Batch size of per iteration, choose a proper value by yourselves
regan store_true Enable ReGAN training or not
sparsity float Target sparsity k, e.g. sparsity=0.3 means 30% of weights will be pruned
g int The update interval
warmup_epoch int Warmup training epochs
data_ratio float To simulate a training data limited scenario

Hyperparameters introduction for ProGAN

Argument Type Description
regan store_true Enable ReGAN training or not
sparsity float Target sparsity k, e.g. sparsity=0.3 means 30% of weights will be pruned
g int The update interval
warmup_epoch int Warmup training epochs
data_ratio float To simulate a training data limited scenario

For batch size of training epochs at each stage of ProGAN, you may define them on the main.py.

Hyperparameters introduction for StyleGAN2

Argument Type Description
iter int Number of total training iterations
batch_size int Batch size of per iteration, choose a proper value by yourselves
regan store_true Enable ReGAN training or not
sparsity float Target sparsity k, e.g. sparsity=0.3 means 30% of weights will be pruned
g int The update interval
warmup_iter int Warmup training iterations
diffaug store_true Enable DiffAug or not
eva_iter int Evaluation frequency
eva_size int Evaluation size, for few-shot dataset, we use eva_size=5000
dataset str which dataset to use, please make sure you place the dataset dictionary in right place
size int Size of training image, for few-shot dataset, size=256
ckpt str If you want to resume your training, you can use this argument

Hyperparameters introduction for AutoGAN

Please refer to AutoGAN project website for getting detailed explanation.

Data Preparation

Pytorch will download the CIFAR-10 dataset automatically if the dataset is not detected, therefore there is no need to prepare CIFAR-10 dataset.

For Tiny-ImageNet dataset, you may get it from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/akash2sharma/tiny-imagenet.

For FFHQ dataset, you may get it from https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan.

For Few-shot dataset, you may get it from https://github.com/odegeasslbc/FastGAN-pytorch. Besides, we provide the lmdb data of Few-shot dataset for your convenience, you may get it from here.


To run a Re-SNGAN or Re-ProGAN model, you may follow:

  1. Clone this repo to your local environment.
git clone https://github.com/IntellicentAI-Lab/Re-GAN.git
  1. Prepare all the required libraries and datasets.

  2. Run your model! One example can be:

python main.py --epoch 1000 --data_ratio 0.1 \
--regan --warmup_epoch 200 --g 100 --sparse 0.3 

# For ProGAN
python main.py --data_ratio 0.1 \
--regan --warmup_epoch 10 --g 10 --sparse 0.3 
# Please define epoch and batch size in the main.py

To run a Re-StyleGAN2 model on few-shot dataset, you may follow:

  1. Clone this repo to your local environment.
git clone https://github.com/IntellicentAI-Lab/Re-GAN.git
  1. Prepare all the required libraries and datasets. For dataset, please place them like following panda example:

    1. ReGAN/dataset/panda
    2. ReGAN/dataset/pandalmdb
  2. Run your model! One example can be:

python train.py --size 256 --batch 32 --iter 40000 --dataset panda --eva_iter 2000 --eva_size 100 \
--regan --warmup_iter 10000 --g 5000 --sparsity 0.3 \
--diffaug # Indicate it if you want to use DiffAugmentation

Evaluation metrics

We conclude how we calculate some used metrics shown in our paper in this section.

Metrics Description
#Real images The number of real images that are shown to the discriminator. You can calculate it by training epochs and batch size.
FLOPs Floating Point Operations. You can calculate it by using thop library.
Training time The total training time. Note that the training time reported in our paper is not included the evaluation time.
MSE difference The MSE difference. We periodically (per epoch) save an image that contains 64 samples which are generated with fixed noise, then calculated the pixel difference.

We provide some codes on quantitative evaluation, you can check the StyleGAN folder and see lines 347 to 379 on the train.py to learn how to evaluate FID. Calculating IS is a very similar process.


If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers.

    author    = {Saxena, Divya and Cao, Jiannong and Xu, Jiahao and Kulshrestha, Tarun},
    title     = {Re-GAN: Data-Efficient GANs Training via Architectural Reconfiguration},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {16230-16240}


We would like to thank the work that helps our paper:

  1. FID score: https://github.com/bioinf-jku/TTUR.
  2. Inception score: https://github.com/w86763777/pytorch-gan-metrics.
  3. DiffAugmentation: https://github.com/VITA-Group/Ultra-Data-Efficient-GAN-Training.
  4. AutoGAN: https://github.com/VITA-Group/AutoGAN.
  5. APA: https://github.com/endlesssora/deceived.
  6. SNGAN: https://github.com/w86763777/pytorch-gan-collections.
  7. ProGAN: https://github.com/BakingBrains/Progressive_GAN-ProGAN-_implementation.
  8. StyleGAN2: https://github.com/rosinality/stylegan2-pytorch.