
United States Death Master File 2 CSV Converter

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United States Death Master File 2 CSV Converter

For details read this blog post: https://blog.intelx.io/2020/03/19/decoding-the-us-death-master-file/

Here's the converted file indexed in our search engine: https://intelx.io/?did=fd36a1b3-35ff-429b-8c19-e6a4e229ffb9


Download and install Go from https://golang.org/dl/. Compile it using this command (it compiles on Windows, Linux and Mac):

go build

Example input and output


 001010001MUZZEY                  GRACE                          1200197504161902                   
 001010009SMITH                   ROGER                          0400196902041892                   
 001010010HAMMOND                 KENNETH                        0300197604241904                   
 001010011DREW                    LEON           R              V0830198706141908                   

Output as CSV:

Type,Social Security Number,Last Name,Name Suffix,First Name,Middle Name,Verified,Date of Death,Date of Birth,Blank 1,Blank2,Blank 3,Blank 4


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.