
Models and training scripts for "LSTMs for Keyword Spotting with ReRAM-based Compute-In-Memory Architectures" (ISCAS 2021).

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains the models and training scripts used in the papers: "LSTMs for Keyword Spotting with ReRAM-based Compute-In-Memory Architectures" (ISCAS 2021).


  • python 3.7
  • python packages: argparse, uuid, time, itertools
  • NumPy
  • PyTorch and torchaudio
  • Matplotlib

Quantized LSTM with Google Speech Commands

python KWS_LSTM.py
Argument Parameter Name Description
-h, --help show help message and exit
--random-seed RANDOM_SEED Random Seed (default: 80085)
--method METHOD Method: 0 - blocks, 1 - orthogonality, 2 - mix (default: 1)
--dataset-path-train DATASET_PATH_TRAIN Path to Dataset (default: data.nosync/speech_commands_v0.02)
--dataset-path-test DATASET_PATH_TEST Path to Dataset (default: data.nosync/speech_commands_test_set_v0.02)
--word-list WORD_LIST [WORD_LIST ...] Keywords to be learned (default: ['yes', 'no', 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'on', 'off', 'stop', 'go', 'unknown', 'silence'])
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE Batch Size (default: 100)
--training-steps TRAINING_STEPS Training Steps (default: 10000,10000,200)
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE Learning Rate (default: 0.002,0.0005,0.00008)
--finetuning-epochs FINETUNING_EPOCHS Number of epochs for finetuning (default: 10000)
--dataloader-num-workers DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS Number Workers Dataloader (default: 8)
--validation-percentage VALIDATION_PERCENTAGE Validation Set Percentage (default: 10)
--testing-percentage TESTING_PERCENTAGE Testing Set Percentage (default: 10)
--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE Audio Sample Rate (default: 16000)
--canonical-testing CANONICAL_TESTING Whether to use the canoncial test data (0 non canoncial, 1 canoncial. (default: 0)
--background-volume BACKGROUND_VOLUME How loud the background noise should be, between 0 and 1. (default: 0.1)
--background-frequency BACKGROUND_FREQUENCY How many of the training samples have background noise mixed in. (default: 0.8)
--silence-percentage SILENCE_PERCENTAGE How much of the training data should be silence. (default: 0.1)
--unknown-percentage UNKNOWN_PERCENTAGE How much of the training data should be unknown words. (default: 0.1)
--time-shift-ms TIME_SHIFT_MS Range to randomly shift the training audio by in time. (default: 100.0)
--win-length WIN_LENGTH Window size in ms (default: 641)
--hop-length HOP_LENGTH Length of hop between STFT windows (default: 320)
--hidden HIDDEN Number of hidden LSTM units (default: 108)
--n-mfcc N_MFCC Number of mfc coefficients to retain (default: 40)
--noise-injectionT NOISE_INJECTIONT Percentage of noise injected to weights (default: 0.0)
--noise-injectionI NOISE_INJECTIONI Percentage of noise injected to weights (default: 0.1)
--quant-actMVM QUANT_ACTMVM Bits available for MVM activations/state (default: 6)
--quant-actNM QUANT_ACTNM Bits available for non-MVM activations/state (default: 8)
--quant-inp QUANT_INP Bits available for inputs (default: 4)
--quant-w QUANT_W Bits available for weights (default: None)
--l2 L2 Strength of L2 norm (default: 0.01)
--n-msb N_MSB Number of blocks available (default: 4)
--cs CS Strength cosine similarity penalization (default: 0.1)
--max-w MAX_W Maximumg weight (default: 0.2)
--drop-p DROP_P Dropconnect probability (default: 0.125)
--pact-a PACT_A Whether scaling parameter is trainable (1:on,0:off) (default: 1)
--rows-bias ROWS_BIAS How many rows for the bias (default: 6)
--gain-blocks GAIN_BLOCKS Fox mixed method, how many parallel blocks (default: 2)