Project Title This is the first draft of an app that will be part of a Django Website, but currently is just standalone. The script currently only uses Javascript and bootstrap, no jquery currenly. Click a location on the map and get a list of Satellites within a 10 degree range above. 0 degrees being directly above and 180 degrees spanning the horizontal horizon. The range is limited to 10 degrees and gives a rough ground level radius of approximately 1500km range based on highest altitude satellite being at a 10 Degree angle from vertical.
Getting Started Clone from repository, Register with for api Key (Keys are are not regenerated or deleted easily), Register with googleapis - The api key currently in here will be regenerated on 6th July 2018 and will no longer work.
Prerequisites google js api key api key
Built With Html5 Javascript 1.7
Authors Rob Kinsey - Initial work
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Acknowledgments google docs documentation.