
An example implementation of the PHP-Domainrobot-SDk by InterNetX GmbH.

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Example Implementation of the InterNetX PHP Domainrobot SDK


This is an example implementation of the PHP-Domainrobot-SDK by InterNetX GmbH.

Find the documentation to the API and the SDK here:

The source code of the PHP-SDK can be found here: https://github.com/InterNetX/php-domainrobot-sdk/tree/master

This implementation has been built using the Laravel Framwork.


  • PHP >=7.3
  • and all Laravel Requirements
  • Additionally the PHP Module php-curl needs to be installed
  • composer (PHP Dependency Manager)
  • Optional, only necessary if you want to create a UI: npm or yarn
  • GIT installed on the System (if you want to clone directly from this repository)

Setup the Project

Clone the Source Code from the Repository using your favourite git client (e.g. sourcetree)

git clone https://github.com/InterNetX/php-domainrobot-sdk-laravel.git

or alternatively you can download the example implementation as a zip file here: https://github.com/InterNetX/php-domainrobot-sdk-laravel/archive/master.zip

Change into the Directory of the cloned Source Code

cd php-domainrobot-sdk-laravel

Execute composer install, the needed PHP Libraries for the Project will be installed.

composer install

Afterwards it is necessary to create an .env File where the Authentication Credentials will be stored in the Root Directory of the Project. A File called .env.example is also located there which will be used as a base to create the .env File

cp .env.example .env

Open the .env File with your text editor of choice e.g.

nano .env

In the .env file locate the following section and set your AutoDNS Authentication Credentials

## Domainrobot Configuration

DOMAINROBOT_URL= # DOMAINROBOT_URL: Demo: https://api.demo.autodns.com/v1, Live: https://api.autodns.com/v1
DOMAINROBOT_CONTEXT=4 # only change this if you have a Personal AutoDNS Account

## Additional configuration if you want to use
## the SSLManager API
DOMAINROBOT_SSL_USER= # SSLManager User if available
DOMAINROBOT_SSL_PASSWORD= # SSLManager Password if available
DOMAINROBOT_SSL_CONTEXT=9 # only change this if you have a Personal SSLManager Account

NOTE: To use SSL Certificate related tasks like creating SSL Contacts and SSL Certificates you need the InterNetX SSL Manager and an according API User

Starting the Laravel PHP Server

In the Root Directory of the Laravel Project execute the following Command to start Serving the Program

php artisan serve --port=8181

Calling/Testing Routes

With a REST API Client (e.g. https://insomnia.rest/) you can now query different Tasks / Routes of the Example Implementation of the InterNetX PHP Domainrobot SDK

GET /api/user/{username}/{context}

Available Routes

php artisan route:list