Focusing on the generalization of concepts, functionality, and overall processes involved in the creation of a secure 'network of trusted data' , the IDS-RAM resides at a higher abstraction level than common architecture models of concrete software solutions do. The document provides an overview and dedicated architecture specifications.
- 770asd
- aldidoantaINA DIGITAL
- apoikolaMyData Global
- AutoH
- azzopardimCreative Innovation
- bjoernhoeperLTSoft - Agentur für Leittechnik-Software GmbH @ltsoft-gmbh
- bparth24San Francisco
- bytehigh@atosorigin
- cyrildewitDeveloper at Chargee
- Daihongwei1900
- dncampo
- EvangelosSyrmosK3Y
- gledakis
- hjarendshorst
- iSHAREeu
- jiangshan-baishan
- kmolimaBergen, Norway
- larinyoUniversitat Rovira i Virgili
- LFranciscoFFaria
- ma3uCofinity-X
- majo72
- marianaGarcez
- MichaelSteinertFraunhofer ISST
- miguelASLi2CAT Foundation
- mlziegelmeir
- nuthubUniversity of Koblenz
- pzaborowskiWarsaw
- ShawnXiee
- ShunsukeKosugiPersonal
- tfiusMediaAtlas
- tharinduprNimbus Research Center
- ticapixin front of the computer
- tmberthold@sovity
- y-ga0TU/e