Industry Mapper


You'll need Ruby 2.1 and Rails 4.


We use bundler to manage gems. You can install bundler and other required gems like this:

gem install bundler
bundle install


Follow the instructions in config/database.yml, then set up your development/test databases and populate them with seed data:

rake db:setup
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:setup

To create an admin user, use the rails console:

$ rails c
> AdminUser.create!(:email => '', :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password')

Running it

Run the importer to load all five of the taxonomies from Webprotege:

bundle exec rake protege:import['Industries','Countries','Topics','World Regions','Trade Regions']

Specify which taxonomies to import by passing in the appropriate name. Taxonomies not specified in the above command will be excluded, or deleted if they already exist.

Fire up a server and try it all out.

bundle exec rails s

Visit http://localhost:3000/admin and log in as the default user:

From there, you can see the individual ITA taxonomy terms, the parent/child relationships between each, and the taxonomies that encapsulate the ITA terms. You can also see mapped terms from other sources, which can be mapped onto ITA terms.

Now try a lookup:



bundle exec rake

Code Coverage

We track test coverage of the codebase over time, to help identify areas where we could write better tests and to see when poorly tested code got introduced.

After running your tests, view the report by opening coverage/index.html.

Click around on the files that have < 100% coverage to see what lines weren't exercised.