- 主要研究方向:
- 超5G/6G移动通信、智能超表面、通信感知一体化、空天地一体化信息网络、物联网机器类通信、边缘计算、人工智能赋能6G通信信号处理等
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- 主要研究方向:
- B5G/6G通信
- 智能超表面
- 通感一体化
- 车联网协同驾驶关键技术
- 空天地一体化异构融合网络
- 教师主页
- IEEE主页
- Google Scholar
- 主要研究方向:
- 面向6G的空天地一体化通信(包括卫星全球互联网和物联网、无人机空地协同通信、6G通信关键技术、星地一体化高谱效通信)。
- 人工智能无线通信(利用深度学习、博弈学习、认知学习、强化学习等实现无线通信可靠频谱接入和传输)
- 新一代物联网技术(以智慧城市为依托,研究传感器节点的智慧互联和协作感知)。
- 个人主页
- IEEE主页
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- 主要研究方向:
- 移动通信系统中的信号处理
- 移动通信系统的无线资源分配算法
- 移动边缘计算系统(MEC)无线与计算资源的联合分配
- 复杂异构移动通信系统的网络规划理论
- 可见光通信系统理论与关键技术
- 卫星移动通信系统星座规划、无线资源分配及信号传输
- 机器学习方法在移动通信中的应用
- 排队论与网络性能分析
- 最优化理论及算法研究
- 个人主页
- IEEE主页
- 主要研究方向:
- 5G/6G移动通信系统
- 密集无线网络
- 区块链技术
- 物联网
- 机器学习
- 边缘计算
- MIMO/大规模MIMO传输
- 毫米波通信
- 无线光通信
- 鲁棒性设计
- 分布式算法设计
- 绿色通信、协作通信、认知无线电。
- 个人主页
- IEEE主页
- 主要研究方向:
- 智能通信:物理层设计
- 无线通信:物理层技术与安全
- 卫星通信和导航:遥测、跟踪和指挥
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- 主要研究方向:
- 面向信息语义的空天地海一体化网络和深空通信关键技术,包括:
- 面向空天/深空超远距离高可靠通信的先进编译码和信息语义传输技术,包括模拟喷泉码、极化码、LDPC码等差错控制编码和调制技术、高时效语义传输方案设计等。
- 面向5GA/6G的空天地海一体化网络的大规模接入技术和高效语义传输机制,包括基于深度强化学习的语义传输和资源分配策略、高时效接入机制、区块链技术、路由机制、毫米波/激光通信、通信感知一体化等。
- 面向信息语义的空天地海一体化网络和深空通信关键技术,包括:
- 教师主页
- IEEE主页
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- 主要研究方向:
- 6G潜在新型多址接入技术,主要研究速率分拆多址接入(Rate-Splitting Mulitple Access, RSMA)的原理、架构和应用。
- 人工智能赋能6G无线通信网络(AI + 6G),主要研究使用机器学习和深度学习来设计高效的无线网络资源分配算法。使用无线网络赋能分布式机器学习、联邦学习。
- 可重构智能超表面(Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface, RIS)辅助的无线网络,如相移设计、波束形成设计和信道估计。
- 通信感知一体化网络(Integrated Sensing and Coommunication, ISAC),主要研究波形设计、干扰管理、资源分配。
- 空天地一体化网络(Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network, SAGIN),主要研究干扰管理、用户调度和协同传输设计。
- 教师主页(中)
- Personal homepage
- IEEE主页
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- 主要研究方向:
- 车联网
- 通信系统
- 非正交多址
- IEEE主页
- 主要研究方向:
- 智能通信计算融合系统
- 语义通信(概率知识图谱、量子计算)
- 边缘学习(联邦学习、多智能体强化学习、拆分学习)
- 全息通信(数字孪生、智能超表面、雷达视频一体化)
- 个人主页
- IEEE主页
- Google Scholar
Bruno Clerckx
- Research Area:
- Multiple AccessNon-orthogonal Multiple Access,Successive Interference Cancellation,Rate Splitting Multiple Access,Additive Noise,Decoding,Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface,Common Part,Achievable Rate,Spectral Efficiency,Private Parts,Beamforming Design,Phase Shift,Orthogonal Multiple
- Personal homepage
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
- YouTube
Yijie(Lina) Mao
- Research Area:
- MIMO communication networks, rate-splitting multiple access and non-orthogonal multiple access for 5G and beyond
- Personal homepage
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Onur Dizdar
- Research Area:
- Communications, Error-Correcting Codes, Rate-Splitting Multiple Access, non-orthogonal multiple access, Signal Processing
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Longfei Yin
- Research Area:
- Rate-Splitting Multiple Access, satellite communications, radar and communications
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Yang Zhao
- Research Area:
- Wireless Information and Power Transfer, Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces
- Github
Xinze Lyu
- Research Area:
- Rate-Splitting, radio system prototuping
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Yunnuo Xu
- Research Area:
- Rate-Splitting Multiple Access
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Jiawei Xu
- Research Area:
- Rate-Splitting Multiple Access
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Anup Mishra
- Research Area:
- Rate-Splitting, Communication Theory, Massive MIMO
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Gui Zhou
- Research Area:
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) and array signal processing.
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Chengcheng Xu
- Research Area:
- Integrated sensing and communications, AI-assisted spectrum sensing, and VLSI design for signal processing
- IEEE homepage
- Google Scholar
Huiyun Xia
- Research Areas:
- physical-layer security, rate splitting multiple access, interference management, and wireless network optimization with its applications into multiple-input–multiple-output communication networks.
- She is a visiting PhD student from Harbin Institute of Technology.
- IEEE homepage
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- Mao Y, Clerckx B, Li V O K. Rate-splitting multiple access for downlink communication systems: Bridging, generalizing, and outperforming SDMA and NOMA[J]. EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking, 2018, 2018: 1-54.[link][code]
- B. Clerckx et al., "Is NOMA Efficient in Multi-Antenna Networks? A Critical Look at Next Generation Multiple Access Techniques," in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 2, pp. 1310-1343, 2021, doi: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2021.3084799.[link]
- Y. Mao, O. Dizdar, B. Clerckx, R. Schober, P. Popovski and H. V. Poor, "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: Fundamentals, Survey, and Future Research Trends," in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 2073-2126, Fourthquarter 2022, doi: 10.1109/COMST.2022.3191937.[link]
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- A. Mishra, Y. Mao, O. Dizdar and B. Clerckx, "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G—Part I: Principles, Applications and Future Works," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 2232-2236, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3192012.[link]
- L. Yin, Y. Mao, O. Dizdar and B. Clerckx, "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G—Part II: Interplay With Integrated Sensing and Communications," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 2237-2241, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3192032.[link]
- H. Li, Y. Mao, O. Dizdar and B. Clerckx, "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G—Part III: Interplay With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 2242-2246, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2022.3192041.[link]
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- H. Guo, Y. -C. Liang, J. Chen and E. G. Larsson, "Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Wireless Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 3064-3076, May 2020, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2020.2970061. [link][code]
- M. Wu, Z. Gao, Y. Huang, Z. Xiao, D. W. K. Ng and Z. Zhang, "Deep Learning-Based Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Tera-Hertz Massive MIMO," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 1431-1451, May 2023, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2023.3240781.[link][code]
- F. Luo and Y. Mao, "A Practical Max-Min Fair Resource Allocation Algorithm for Rate-Splitting Multiple Access," in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 27, no. 12, pp. 3285-3289, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2023.3329149.[link][code]
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