
Plugin for Beat Saber for a smoother and wider FOV camera

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


CameraPlus is a Beat Saber mod that allows for multiple wide FOV cameras with smoothed movement, which makes for a much more pleasant overall spectator experience.


I forked CameraPlus in order to implement transparent backgrounds for displaying avatars via a selfie/front-facing camera. However since then, the Beat Saber community has mostly moved on to Camera2. Also, I am no longer experimenting with avatars that much. As such, I will not be maintaining this. In the future, I might attempt to implement said feature in Camera2 however.


Release Page

Make sure to disable the base game's "Smooth Camera" If you wish to use CameraPlus

Video Comparison
Third Person Preview

Right Click Menu Recently Renovated, Appearance may differ from what is shown in this video

The video is an old one. The right-click menu has now been changed. How to use CameraPlus

Profile switching has been implemented. (Thanks to Auros!)

Click here for an example of how the profile system works (Fefeland Thanks for the video!)


  1. Use the Mod Assistant : https://github.com/Assistant/ModAssistant/releases It is the easiest method, it will do all these steps below in 1 click.

To install manually:

1b. Make sure that Beat Saber is not running.
2b. Extract the contents of the zip into Beat Saber's installation folder.
	For Oculus Home: \Oculus Apps\Software\hyperbolic-magnetism-beat-saber\
	For Steam: \steamapps\common\Beat Saber\
	(The folder that contains Beat Saber.exe)
3b. Done! You've installed the CameraPlus Plugin.


To edit the settings of any camera in real time, right click on the Beat Saber game window! A context menu will appear with options specific to the camera that you right clicked on!

Press F1 to toggle the main camera between first and third person.

After you run the game once, a cameraplus.cfg file is created within the folder Beat Saber\UserData\CameraPlus. Any cfg files located in this folder will be used to render additional cameras. Edit that file to configure CameraPlus:

Parameter Description
fov Horizontal field of view of the camera
antiAliasing Anti-aliasing setting for the camera (1, 2, 4 or 8 only)
renderScale The resolution scale of the camera relative to game window (similar to supersampling for VR)
positionSmooth How much position should smooth (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
rotationSmooth How much rotation should smooth (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
cam360Smoothness How smoothly the 360 cam snaps to lane changes (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
cam360RotateControlNew Set to False if you don't like the new 360 degree control.
thirdPerson Whether third person camera is enabled
showThirdPersonCamera Whether or not the third person camera is visible
use360Camera Whether the 360 camera is used
posx X position of third person camera
posy Y position of third person camera
posz Z position of third person camera
angx X rotation of third person camera
angy Y rotation of third person camera
angz Z rotation of third person camera
firstPersonPosOffsetX X position offset of first person camera
firstPersonPosOffsetY Y position offset of first person camera
firstPersonPosOffsetZ Z position offset of first person camera
firstPersonRotOffsetX X rotation offset of first person camera
firstPersonRotOffsetY Y rotation offset of first person camera
firstPersonRotOffsetZ Z rotation offset of first person camera
cam360ForwardOffset 360 camera position offset forwards
cam360UpOffset 360 camera position offset upwards
cam360RightOffset 360 camera position offset to the right
cam360XTilt X tilt rotation relative to the forward of 360 camera
cam360ZTilt Z tilt rotation relative to the forward of 360 camera
cam360YTilt The Y tilt rotation OFFSET on the 360 camera
screenWidth Width of the camera render area
screenHeight Height of the camera render area
screenPosX X position of the camera in the Beat Saber window
screenPosY Y position of the camera in the Beat Saber window
layer Layer to render the camera on (HIGHER NUMBER = top)
fitToCanvas Force camera to stretch to fit window
transparentWalls Make Walls appear transparent on the camera
forceFirstPersonUpRight Lock rotation of first person camera on Z axis to keep the camera upright
Avatar Switch avatar display layer
AvatarOnly Enable transparent avatar overlay (option available in .cfg file only)
debri Switches between In-Game setting linkage, forced display, and forced off for Notes Debris.
movementScriptPath Full path (including file name) to the movement script file to associate with the camera

ex) movementScriptpath = "C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\UserData\CameraPlus\Scripts\ExampleMovementScript.json"

Movement Script

The sample script described in MovementScriptPath is located in the Beat Saber \ UserData \ CameraPlus \ Scripts folder.

If ActiveInPauseMenu is set to false, there is a bug that the script doesn't return to its original state when SteamVR screen is displayed.

    "ActiveInPauseMenu": true,     "ActiveInPauseMenu": Determines whether the camera pauses when pausing the game.
    "Movements": [                 "Movements"        : Position description section of the moving camera.
        "StartPos": {              "StartPos"         : Camera start position (the center of the play area is 0,0,0).
            "x": 2,
            "y": 1.75,
            "z": -2
        "StartRot": {              "StartRot"         : The rotation at which the camera starts (0,0,0 looks straight at the main menu).
            "x": 15,
            "y": -15,
            "z": 0
        "EndPos": {                "EndPos"           : The position where the camera ends.
            "x": 2,
            "y": 1,
            "z": 9
        "EndRot": {                "EndRot"           : The rotation at which the camera ends.
            "x": 15,
            "y": -40,
            "z": 0
        "Duration": 4,             "Duration"         : The time it takes for the transition to start / end / rotate.
        "Delay": 0,                "Delay"            : the time to wait before proceeding to the next move.
        "EaseTransition": true     "EaseTransition"   : If false, the transition between start / end will be linear. Otherwise, the transition is slower from the beginning to the end and faster.


If you need help, ask us at the Beat Saber Mod Group Discord Server:

For developers

Contributing to CameraPlus

In order to build this project, please create the file CameraPlus.csproj.user and add your Beat Saber directory path to it in the project directory. This file should not be uploaded to GitHub and is in the .gitignore.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
    <!-- Set "YOUR OWN" Beat Saber folder here to resolve most of the dependency paths! -->
    <BeatSaberDir>E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber</BeatSaberDir>

If you plan on adding any new dependencies which are located in the Beat Saber directory, it would be nice if you edited the paths to use $(BeatSaberDir) in CameraPlus.csproj

<Reference Include="BS_Utils">
<Reference Include="IPA.Loader">
  <HintPath>$(BeatSaberDir)\Beat Saber_Data\Managed\IPA.Loader.dll</HintPath>

Currently, due to limitations with Unity's Graphics library, a shader is applied in the form of a Material using green as the Chroma Key to achieve the effect for AvatarOnly. It may therefore be necessary to rebundle the shader using the contents here.