
In order to access the website from the lab machine, "IS5108-DigData" folder should be copied to "nginx_default" folder. In order to access the website from personal PC, you can use the url

Below are usernames and passwords for administrator: phuriwat 123456 inthuch 123456 anna 123456 nattasan 123456

Usernames and passwords for regular users: lara 123456

#database setup for local PC

  1. Open the SQL client on your computer.
  2. Create database name "is5108group-4__digdata"
  3. Go into that database
  4. Choose import option
  5. Browse file "is5108group-4__digdata_2018-04-27.sql" in IS5108-DigData folder and submit it

However, if the setting for the SQL client are not:

username="is5108group-4"; password="b9iVc.9gS8c7NJ"; $host=""; db="is5108group-4__digdata";

You have to edit the file "databaseConfig.php" in the PHP folder.