
Collecting Amazon Interview Experiences from webs

MIT LicenseMIT

DP Plans !!

Learning Plan (50 Amazing Problems for Amazon)

Your Status can be: Done βœ… | In ProgressπŸ•“ | Skipped❌
Difficulty Rating: Easy | Easy-Medium | Medium | Medium-Hard | Hard

Linear DP

Problem Link Status Difficulty
Number of Islands βœ…
Partition Labels βœ…
Two Sum βœ…
Reorder Data in Log Files βœ…
LRU Cache
Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule
Critical Connections in a Network
Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 βœ…
K Closest Points to Origin βœ…
Merge Two Sorted Lists βœ…

Problems for Week 2

Problem Link Status Difficulty
Top K Frequent Words
Copy List with Random Pointer
Most Common Word
Merge k Sorted Lists βœ…
Longest Palindromic Substring βœ…
Subtree of Another Tree βœ…
Trapping Rain Water βœ…
Word Ladder
Maximal Square βœ…
Friend Circles

Problems for Week 3

Problem Link Status Difficulty
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters βœ…
Add Two Numbers βœ…
Merge Intervals βœ…
Analyze User Website Visit Pattern
Prison Cells After N Days
Meeting Rooms II βœ…
Group Anagrams βœ…
Sliding Window Maximum βœ…
Median of Two Sorted Arrays βœ…
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock βœ…

Problems for Week 4

Problem Link Status Difficulty
Robot Bounded In Circle
Number of Provinces
Maximum Units on a Truck
Search Suggestions System
Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks βœ…
Analyze User Website Visit Pattern
Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts
Rotting Oranges
Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals βœ…
Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored Balls

Problems for Week 5

Problem Link Status Difficulty
Copy List with Random Pointer
Container With Most Water βœ…
Design Tic-Tac-Toe
Decode Ways βœ…
Baseball Game βœ…
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
Product of Array Except Self
Find Median from Data Stream
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal


Want to contribute? Great! Make a change in your file and raise a PR.



Free Software, Hell Yeah!

Disclaimer: Data collected from Internet and intended for educational purposes. Dont suck me , b