Excercise - Third Party Libraries

Winter 2017 - Android


Learn how to integrate third party libraries to make your life easier!

Getting Started:

  1. Clone repository.
  2. Create a new branch off master and name the branch according to the form {name}/thirdpartylibs (e.g. kenton/thirdpartylibs).

How It Works:

This app works by first making a GET request to random.cat/meow via the GetRandomCatUrlTask. This task returns an image url for a random cat picture. When this request finishes, the app then makes another web request to download the image bitmap via the DownloadCatImageTask. On completion of this request, the app loads the bitmap into an ImageView.

Your Task:

  1. Integrate Butterknife into the app and convert all findViewById methods to using Butterknife view bindings.
  2. Integrate Glide into the app and use it to load the random cat image URL into the ImageView.
  3. When you have finished integrating the two libraries, create a pull request against master.