
3D printable desktop catapults


I have taken the advice of others and made this revised version that uses less material and has more room to print,

Simple Desktop siege weapon

I designed this to be strong and easy to assemble with tapered posts and dove tails. I also left lots of clearance in the pivot.

Should be printable in a 50mm x 50mm build area (scaled 5x). But bigger is better. I suggest 100mm x 100mm (scaled 10x)

Uses the lowly Rubber band as its power source.

If you are adventuress you can turn on support and try and print it in one piece.

The Files with the _x*.stl are pre-scaled files. (Scaled with replicatorG) 


1) Print Catapult_sheet_V2.stl

2) Slide arm over pivot.

3) Install second side

4) Hook Rubber Band over upper cross bar and then over arm. As in original.

5) Commence mid-evil warfare on co-workers. (Please be safe)